Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Republican Convention 08

The Republican Convention

The Maverick John McCain picked his choice for VP. Yes, a pro-life women presently she is Governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin also is the Mother of five children. The oldest still a teen and is 5 months pregnant with her high school sweet heart’s child. They plan to marry. The youngest is a down syndrome boy. Of course the pundits had a hay day with all this. The daughter’s pregnancy was discussed by every one on Monday. Barack Obama told his staff if anyone of them tries to use this in any way to gain in the political race they will be fired because he does not believe children should ever be used in a campaign. Good for you Barack.!

Monday also brought about a large crowd of anti war protesters. The police had to get a little tough and put them in jail.

Day one was more or less scaled down to just the absolute necessities due to the problems in the Golf Region with hurricane Gustav. The program went something like this: a Patriotic song, a prayer, and worked on the Republican platform along with a couple sentence from Cindy McCain and Laura Bush calling the crowd to help out the people in the flood zone. They had a telethon set up to collect money for the flood victims. At one point I heard they collected a couple a million dollars. Nice job!

Laura Bush talked but I did not hear it. The pundits said it was strong defense of her husband George.

Day two a gentleman sang the Star Spangle Banner and a 15 year old wrote an essay about the Pledge of Allegiance and won the contest, a video was made to go with the essay. It was outstanding. The gal then got to lead the convention with the Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a Christian Singer. Then they interviewed the youngest Mayor, Mayor of Muskogee Oklahoma only 19 years old, I was interested because my double cousin is a deacon there.

President Bush was brought in via video and he spoke with high praise of John McCain because of his position on oil, life, taxes, the surge, September 11, and most of all Serve to country.

Cindy McCain gave tribute to Ronald Regan and told of the Land mines that are being destroyed.

Fred Thompson said things are wonderful and the VP was a breath of fresh air after all she knew how to dress a moose in the field. He stressed that the McCain family goes back to the Revolutionary War as wonderful military men. All of the McCain children were introduced and all the boys are involved in the military. John McCain was in his own words the leader of the troublemakers during his days in training.
Fred Thompson is a story teller and he did tell the story of the McCain family brilliantly. He also put out some red meat for the Democrats to chew on which I did not like. One example, to protect the unborn or a newly born baby was above Obama’s pay grade. Fred’s delivery was perfect.

Joe Lieberman tried to bring the parties together. We don’t need a Democratic or Republican Party, we need an American Party. Washington does need change. He got a huge applause when he praised Clinton’s administration. He praised Sarah Palin but the pundit and myself wonder why, she and Joe are on opposite side of many important issues. Joe’s final plea was to the Democrats that they think of the person when they vote. Who is best ready now! “I say Obama and You say McCain says Sr. Madonna” Joe Lieberman left Joe Biden alone but he really hit hard on Obama on his inexperience. He surely can’t say Sarah Pelin is experienced.

Dr. Ron Paul has a convention of a different style near the NRC. Also a crowd of protesters came to the fence of the convention hall but did not succeed in climbing it. They created a lot of noise on the outside but it did not interfere with what was going on inside. Very good security thanks to the police department. One pundit said they arrested 10 people another said none. I don’t know whose right.

Day three A white man and a black woman sang “America the Beautiful” nice touch!
A Catholic priest gave the blessing

Meg Whitman former CEO of Proctor & Gamble and Dream Works, presently is the co-chair of the NRC really praised John McCain’s policies of lower taxes, and letting companies keep their money

Curly Florena the chair of NRC and former CEO of Hewitt Packard- She was in the Magazine Most Powerful Women in Business- She stress McCain’s Energy policies regard Nuclear energy, she stressed independence energy wise and a balance budget.

Mitt Romney – commented on getting people from the west rather than the east. Change Washington from a Liberal Washington to a Conservative Washington. From an economic stance opportunity is what makes a nation strong, family values is needed and we must fight dependency. Islam is Evil!! He spoke with strong conviction regard economics. Strong voice. Easy to listen to but I didn’t care for his policies. Nice family of boys behind him.

Mike Huckabee- He gave praise to Obama for becoming a candidate on a major ticket without taking advantage of his race card. Mike is a story teller and he told the story of a teacher in Arkansas who removed all the desks the first day of school and she told the children they had to figure out a way to earn their desk and asked them how they thought they would do that. They came up with different ideas like getting better grades, studying harder, being polite, etc the end of the day came and the teacher said none of you gave me the correct answer to how you could earn your desk back so I will tell you. With that 25 soldiers came in with the 25 desks and she said that they did not need to worry because these men already earned their desk for them. It was a story that the kids will never forget. Mike ends with John McCain has earned his desk at the white house.

Rudy was very hard on the Democrats, he started out being hard and yet not using Obama’s name by have two applications with the name and party crossed off and then described each man. And of course he would hire McCain. That was a nice way of doing it with out using the names of the candidates. After that it was every other negative word available to bring down Obama. Security, 911, and such matters took up the bulk of his talk.

Last but not least was Sarah Pelin, Governor of Alaska spoke. She introduced her nineteen-year-old Son, Track, who is serving and will be going to Iraq this fall. Three daughters, all with very odd names, and the baby boy Trig a special needs child. The oldest girl had her boy friend with her and she is pregnant. Sarah’s husband was also introduced. She claims to be a hockey mom and she describes that as being a pit bull with lipstick. She did a nice job introducing her family but when it came to policies, I’m not with her at all. She was dressed beautifully in a white suit coat and dark skirt, her nice dark hair made her a beauty queen at 44 as well as when she was a teen. She is definitely an oil lady. She says she’ll clean up Washington. Build pipeline to the rest of us. I do believe that all the speakers of this day had the same speechwriter they all had the same attacks on Obama. For some reason they left Joe Biden out of the fray. The attacks dealt with no experience, his vote of present instead of yes or no as a state legislator, the rely on guns and religion comment and that Obama was worried if the captured terrorists were read their rights. I don’t recall that she spoke of gay marriage or abortion.

Yes, Sarah is a good pick for John McCain, she adds the youth, excitement and beauty, pro-life, she seems smart, at least she can read a speech from a tell a prompter and she is so far to the right she will bust the right side of the walls out and let the religious right in to vote, but I haven’t a clue what religion she belongs to.

Day four opened with the 6 flags coming into the convention hall. Then the 8 Olympic, dressed in suits, came in to say the “Pledge of Allegiance” and finally the Arch Bishop of the Eastern Rite came in for the blessing. Just think they get $85 Million Federal Matching funds for their Campaign. Lots of Money if you ask me!!

Gov. Hunstsman, the Governor of Utah gave the next speech and his theme was “We are looking for Sarah” He named her qualifications which went something like this. an Athlete in School, a Hockey mom, a PTA member, a moose hunter, member of the NRA, she can dress a moose in the field, Something to do with Oil, Mayor of a City (the size of Madison SD), Governor of Alaska and a mom of 5 children. She raised hell as a kid. She stands for lower taxes, energy independence, business keeps the money you make. Sounds like Bush and McCain are on the same page.

Senator Marsha Blackburn’s was not shown because the news people wanted to talk.

Senator Lindsey Graham was next, his talk was mostly about Iraq “We are Winning” because of the surge that McCain wanted. He made some charges about Obama and the War that I believe are false. He gave the same praise of Sarah: Moose hunter, Maverick, Lover of outdoors, Basketball, PTA and Hockey Mom. She wants to drill Alaska oil and increase funds for infrastructure. She also took on the ethic issue and got rid of help in the governor’s house.

Gov. Tom Ridge showed a video “America’s Place in the World” And he sang the praises of John McCain and Sarah Pelin

Cindy McCain gave her speech. She was dress in a $300,000 outfit. I liked it and her speech was informative and a little baggy. A video was shown that told of her parents selling everything and barrowed $10,000 to start the beer business which was very profitable. Cindy got a masters in Special Education, She is using her share to help poor children across the world and she hoped her parents would be pleased. I suspect the 9 houses belong to Cindy. Both Cindy and John lied about their age when they first met. She added a few years to her age and he subtracted a few years from his age. It was love at first sight. She introduced their children. I believe they are: Meg, John, Jack, Jim, Andy, Bridget, Cindy. Jack is a 4th generation in the navy. And Jimmy is going to Iraq soon. She got the black girl from Mother Theresa as a baby. She had to have some surgery as a baby and the McCain’s adopted her. Cindy McCain says the her dad use to say “Leave this earth in a better place then when you came” She told of their commitment to each other and their work, they are compassionate, Operation Smile is the name of her operation, she also removes landmines. I really liked her and she would make a very good first lady.

Last speech was John McCain, it was sort of funny that a picture of a school with a big green lawn was the back drop for John’s speech. Bad coloring and not meant to be. They eventually got it changed to blue. His speech was 67 paragraphs long. Some Topic he talked about are as follow: 911, thank Bush for keeping us safe, Laura Bush a module of grace, Cindy my inspiration, She’d be a great first Lady, 96 year old mother Roberta McCain, Respectful of Obama, I work for you, Immigrants, lower taxes, strong defense, rule of law, Don’t legislate from the bench, value of family, he called his war story a blessing, it taught him to serve others not self. One needs something bigger than self to really amount to much. I’m prepared to keep security of America in tack. Confetti, balloons, and firecrackers from the TV turn the convention hall to a party hall.

Delivery was poor according to my evaluation. Content was repeat of regular Republican stuff. Nothing really new.

Read my lipstick is one of the latest pins.

I just hope people don’t vote for Sarah because she is a women and Brack because he is ½ Black. It you want change and peace take Obama and Bedin, If you want more Bush and fight some more take McCain and Pelin.