Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Democrat YouTube Debate

Democrat Youtube Debate

The Democrat debate with the youtube video was outstanding. The questions were so interesting and the variety added so much to the debate. I did not get bored as I often did with some TV newsperson asking the questions. My favorite add of the candidates was the one about hair. I think John Edwards has handled the teasing about the hair with great dignity. My favorite question is the one about taxes. To ask a question with a song is really a novel idea. I enjoyed the bearded man asking if Al Gore was going to run and them the snowman asking about global warming.

Now for the serious questions. I thought Barack Obama did a fine job on the restitution to the blacks when he said to make sure the schools in the black communities are good schools would be proper restitution. I also liked Obama’s response to if he is black enough. He knows he is black when he calls for a Taxi.

I thought Hillary Clinton did a good job on the question about would she be willing to meet with leaders from some of our not so friendly countries when she said she did not want to be their pond and she would send out feelers first to see if they were really wanting to talk. I thought Hillary also did herself well when she said she felt that people would know she was a strong leader, she had no problem presenting herself.

I thought John Edwards did an outstanding job on the health issue when he saw no excuse for a man to have to wait until he was 50 years old to get a cliff palate repaired so that he would be able to talk because he was poor. I think he also pointed out that he would do a good job for women when it came to women’s issues. He had been working for them most of his professional life. I liked John’s honesty with the gay marriage issue. He will protect gay’s rights including civil unions while he personally found it hard to support gay marriages. He would not let his personal belief get in the way of supporting gay’s in civil unions. He would not interfere with churches that wish to or not to honor such unions with a sacrament.

Dennis Kucinish was straight forward on the issue of the war. He would get the military home as fast as possible; he is totally against the Iraq War. He also was straight forward on the gay issue. He had no problem saying that he would support gay marriage. The church can decide if they want to sanction the civil union with a sacrament. He would not raise taxes because he would get the money by saving money when we stop the war.

Dodd speaks his mind fast. He has always been a fast thinker. He seems to remain very Washington.

Bill Richardson did a good job on the immigration situation. I think we need to keep him in politics because he has a sense of what is the right thing to do in the tough situations. Immigration is one such issue. I enjoyed his hand going up and down on the plane question. Finally, he said but I came the night before. It added a little humor.

Mike Gravel is the uncle that comes to feasts and grumbles thru the whole meal. I’m not sure this is the proper place for him. He thinks women should be expected to sign up for military duty when they reach the age of 18. He said, “Why Not”

Joe Biden did make an effort to put some realistic numbers involved in getting the troops home. He did well with the gun issue. The questioner really had too big of a gun.

I like the question about how many sent their children to Public School. Most of the candidates had experienced both Public and Private Schools and had great respect for both.

I have no idea who won the debate. Some say Hillary! She looked strong, smart, and quick witted! Some say that Obama looked inexperience. But remember JFK looked inexperience too when he became president. I think all of them except Mike Gravel could do us proud has president or Vice President. If I had to do the picking I’d make Hillary Clinton President, Barack Obama Vice President, I would put John Edwards in charge of Health Care and Social Security, I would ask Bill Richardson to take care of Immigration along with his Governorship or make him Secretary of State. I would ask Dennis Kucinish to bring the troops home along with his Representative job. I would ask Chris Dodd and Joe Biden to keep their Senate Seats and keep pushing for good legislation.

I don’t believe the word abortion was used even once all night. I would like to have heard more definite plans for health care, education, and social security. I would like to see each candidate’s spouse, and children. I would like to see some sort of plan to rebuild schools houses and improve roads.
I’m so happy to see such a nice group of candidate. God Bless them all.

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