Tuesday, February 26, 2008


For 75 years I have taken for granted my eyesight. I could enjoy the beautiful sky almost any day of the year sometimes it was a beautiful blue, other times it was blue with fluffy white clouds and then there were clouds that warn you of bad weather ahead. The sunsets with the beautiful bright yellows, orange, and reds that made the western sky so beautiful made me pause ever so often. The morning sunrise with the beautiful colorful sky coming over top of the buildings in the east gave me reason to rejoice. The beautiful trees especially in the fall, the beautiful flowers from early spring to late fall gave me great joy. I never once thanked God for this wonderful gift that God gave me as my birth present. I took it so for granted. That was true until February 1, 2008 three quarters of a century later, I happened to cover my right eye with my hand and I realized that I could not see much out of my left eye. Actually, I could only see out of the lower part of my eye. The right eye was doing a good job of giving me my sight.
I went to the doctors and they put me thru many tests and the best they could find was a mini stroke. I was so use to seeing, every thing I did involved seeing, I worked at a computer, of course I used my eyes. I enjoyed TV, another eye activity. I liked to sew, which involved use of my eyes, I enjoyed crocheting, which involved my eyesight. I feel deserted by my own body now that I can’t see out of the left eye and the right eye seems tired and closing in on me. This has all taken place within less than the shortest month of the year.
What lesson do I wish to give to you from this experience? First of all do thank God for your eyesight. By all means do not wait until your sight is gone. I know it is hard to smile when you feel so deserted but it is the best image you can give your neighbor is a smile, remember they just might be able to see. I do pray that God will see fit to restore my sight. Doctors, don’t think that will happen but I still believe in miracles.

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