Friday, August 29, 2008

The Democratic Presidential Convention

Democratic Presidential Convention

This Democratic nomination was destine to be great after all the candidates dropped out of the race except Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the First black man and the first women. Either one could have won that race and it would change America. Either scenario is the dream of 25% of the nation if not more. To pull unity out of this split party is almost unbelievable. I made my self a convention hat I think I enjoyed it as mush as if I were there.

The convention took place at the Pepsi Center in Denver Colorado for the first 3 days and then the climax took place the fourth day at the mile high stadium, which will hold about 80,000 people.

Sen. Edward Kennedy, who has been under going treatment for brain cancer, was honored by a video introduced by his niece Caroline, the only living member of Jack Kennedy’s family. Edward paid tribute to Barack Obama and his less than 10 minutes speech brought about strong applause. He promises to be at the inauguration the first week of November. He definitely brought the crowd to their feet and prepared the stage for Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama was introduced by her brother. A video was shown about Barack’s background from being a son of a smart black man from Kenya, here in the states to get an education, and a white gal from Kentucky. She told how her family accepted him in spite of a name they couldn’t pronounce. Her brothers told her he was ok after they had a little basket ball game. Michelle told of their choice to do work of service in the south side of Chicago. The pay was not very good. They had a very run down car and Barack was so proud of his new born daughter. Michelle’s paid tribute to Hillary Rodham Clinton paved the way for our little girls to be able to do what ever they want to do. The best of all pictures was the picture of Barack on the TV After Michelle’s speech was over and the girls said there is daddy. Barack asked the girls if mommy did a good job. They said yes and they asked him what town was he in and where was he staying. Very unrehearsed and so family like.

Tuesday, it was Hillary’s turn to step unto the stage. She wanted her supporters to support Barack. She pointed out some of McCain’s weaknesses and then said, “No way. No How. No McCain. Which will probably become a chant during the next couple months. “ Were you in this campaign just for me?” she questioned her supporters. Hillary emphasized that she brought in 18 million votes, which she called 18 million cracks in the ceiling thus making the climb for the next generation of girls much easier. She told her supporters she was going to support Barack and she said they should too if they didn’t want a third term of Bush. Her Husband Bill Proudly kept whispering from his chair in the audience, “I love you”.

Wednesday, Robert Moore, dress in an native American costume, is a South Dakota Singer and an elected council member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe sang the national anthem. He represented his state well.

Hillary calls for the nomination of the Sen. Barrack Obama by acclamation. This is so important. Just think we finally have a black man nominated for President of the United States on a major ticket.

Former President Bill Clinton was the next prime time speaker. He did not try to out do his wife he compared his administration to George Bush and Dick Cheney's. And no one could do it better than Bill. He talked about the bad war we got brought into by lies, the poor diplomacy policies. He point out the bad economy that we have been dealing with. $4.00 Gas, homes being foreclosed, health care and jobs are not there. He really made Bush’s 8 years a comedy of errors. He said his job was to liven up the audience for Joe Biden who was to come next. And that he did.

Beau Biden the son of Joe introduced Joe Biden. Beau told of the accident that took his mother and sister’s life. Beau and Hunter were badly injured and in the hospital. Joe had just been elected to the senate and not yet sworn in. He contemplated giving up the senate seat, saying Delaware can find another senator but my boys cannot find a new dad. But people like Ted Kennedy and others persuaded him to become a senator. So he was sworn in at the bedside of his son and he road the train 4 hours each day so that he could be home with his sons. Beau said that he and his brother Hunter and his dad Joe married Jill, a schoolteacher. Joe and Jill have a little girl. The children are grown up and the family was present with Joe the leader, Jill beside him and lots of grandkids. It was truly an American family who pulled together in spite of tragedy.
Joe Biden spoke high of John McCain’s person, service and patriotism but he is wrong on the issues. He compared McCain the Senator and McCain the candidate. He wants McCain to decided who he really is. Is he Senator the Maverick McCain or McCain, Bush’s Third term? Joe’s voice was strong, and steady as he made each attack. The crowd cheered. Yes, Joe is a good choice. At the end Jill announced a surprise. And Barack pops out and give him a big huge. And the Biden family come forth.

The Martin Luther King Family gave a tribute to their father on this the 45th anniversary of his famous “I Have a Dream” speech.

Friday, I took pizza and root beer to my room and watched what was going on at the convention from my easy chair. They were packing people into the Invesco stadium like sardines. An estimate of 84,000 people got into the Invesco football field. One nice thing John McCain sent Barack an advertisement that was a congratulation in nature. Nice touch John! He said it was a one day advertisement. He plans to hit hard Friday. Some music groups played and a few speeches came forth. The Gold medal Gymnast Miss Shawn Johnson was suppose to lead the Pledge of Allegiance, but I didn’t get to see her because the pundit wanted to talk just as she was beginning to say the Pledge. Barack Obama’s speech came forth. He outlined the failed Policies of George W. Bush. Actually, he pointed out 29 such policies and what he plans to do to change the situation. He vowed to cut taxes for the working-class, end the war in Iraq and break American dependence upon Mideast oil within a decade. Barack also hit hard on the republican plan for health care, education and the economy. He believe any one who works hard deserves a good home, health care, and opportunity to send their kids to college. He pointed out that we have common ground on the abortion issue in that we might be on opposite sides of the issue we all agree there should be fewer abortions. Barack says, I’m not a hunter but I do believe that they should be able to have their guns our common ground is that Gun control needs to keep the guns out of the hands of the criminals. Another issue is the gay marriage, we certainly agree that a friend aught to be able to see his/her friend in the hospital. He talked about the foreign countries with knowledge beyond my imagination.

Barack Obama used technology with ease. The whole convention was as if it was one long speech beginning with introducing the characters, each with a defined role and culmination with a climax hard to beat.

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