Saturday, March 31, 2007


Today is the third day of a gentle rain. It has been an on and off type of rain that really makes the farmer in me glow. The snow is nearly all gone and the grass is turning green. My farmer father would look at this kind of rain and say things like, "This is a million dollar rain". I think, "This is the manna that the Lord promised His people years ago". Thank You God for the rain.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


This morning, I was told that a lady who is 9 years younger than I died early this morning. It really gives me something to think about. It seems very natural for an elderly person to die but when they are younger than oneself it motives one to think of death in a little more realistic way, like, "When will it knock on my door?"

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Last evening I attended a Pax Christi Meeting. We listened to a speaker talk about immigration at the Texas boarder. Those people really suffer just to get a little money together so they can feed and house their families. They are good workers. We need good workers. Why are we so reluctant to allow these people into the USA. My grandparents came to America from Holland. They spoke poor English and did many things the way a Dutchman would do it. They often were laughed at but no one tried to get rid of them. The house grandpa built still stands and it does not have sagging floors. They were builders. Why can't we respect for those coming from Mexico. They can teach us their ways and we can teach them our ways and we will both be better off. I was very impressed with their faith and perseverance of these Mexican.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Clean those drawers

Yesterday, was truly spring. The temperature was around 70 degrees through out the state. I even drove up town. It was fun to get out of the house after several months of winter. But it didn't take long to cool off. That's South Dakota for you! It can be hot one day and cold the next. Today, we will be lucky if we get to 50 degrees. I cleanned my dresser drawers this morning, I might as well make use of the time indoors. Oh by the way I'm half done with my lap blanket. It almost could pass for Joseph's robe of many colors. I didn't realize I has so many colors of yarn. I will have most of the yarn used up when I finish this project.

Monday, March 26, 2007


We usually celebrate the Annunciation of Our Lord on March 25, but since March 25 fell on Sunday this year, we celebrate the Annunciation on March 26. This is a big day for Christians because this is the day that the Word became flesh. Mary had a big role in all of this. She could have said, "No, I don't want to do this". Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she has been choosen to carry Jesus. Mary responded with, "Be it done unto me according to Your Will." If only all of us could response in such a giving way the world would be so much better off.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Saturday is clean up day in my bed room. Well, I found my bag of yarn left over from other projects and I decided a good way to clean up a little would be to make something out of the left over yarn and so I am making a lap blanket for putting over my knees in the winter. I remember my mom made a lap blanket out of scrapes of yarn over 30 years. It was the thing that my nieces would grab along with Raggady Ann and Andy to play with. When the youngsters would go home and I would straighten up the house I never knew where I might find Ann and Andy. Sometimes they would be wrapped in the lap blanket and in my dads bed. Other times I would find them in my bed. Often I found them sitting with hands held together in a lounge chair. The lesson in all this is that the youngsters would play all afternoon without making much noise and the adults could visit without much interferrance. Any one who can crochet can make a colorful lap blanket and children will enjoy it too.

Friday, March 23, 2007


The news that Elizabeth Edward's cancer has reappeared brings to mind what a horrible disease of cancer is like. My grandfather, my mother, my first cousin, my great uncle, my second cousin and a third cousin all died of cancer. I have a cousin dieing of it this very day. I had a scare a couple years ago with this disease. I was lucky, the doctor took all kinds of stuff out of me and tested each little piece and said that they were not cancerous but they were only days from it. I hope that Elizabeth can weather all the medicine she will have to take to keep those cells from doing more damage. I think she is a very brave lady to carry on with the campaign. She could be an inspiration to the nation to do something about this disease. My prayer go out to those two lovely little ones that they have.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Go Green

Last night I saw a very sad thing. In Alaska a very small village is basically falling into the ocean at a rather speedy time line. A school teacher said that 40 feet of land has disappeard from the front of his mom's house since the time he was a kid playing in front of his house near the ocean. The teacher looked like he might be 50 years old so that tells me that a foot of earth is falling into the ocean each year. What happens is the ice is melting a little sooner each spring thus the ocean washes up unto the beach and takes a little more with it each year. It is sad. They are wondering should they try to move the whole village inland or let each one go inland by himself. The community is such a close knit community they want to stay together. This area has been populated for over 4000 years according to their facts. Well, how can I help? Save on paper, recyle juice cans and plastic containers, save on gas by not going up town every day, and plant a few trees this spring.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Last evening "Spring" blew in and I must say it blew in with a lot of force. When as a child the wind blew the window made a noise from shaking. Well, last night the wind made a wired whisting sound. I thought it had a bit of spookiness to it. I don't know what you were taught when spring came around but at our house it was house cleaning time. After the house had a going over it was yard work. We always started cleaning in the room that needed it most. So I looked around and thought it is my closet. So if you see some dust flying it is me cleaning my closet. My mom would be so proud of me. Clean something every day and it won't be long and every thing will be in order.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Today I go to a lunch sponsored by a group of ladies who wish to thank us for our service to the community. It is grand to be recognized for doing good. But better yet it was good to be of service. God bless you.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Peace Prayer

On March 20 we plan to pray for all the people that have been killed or injured in this war. We are praying for peace through out the world. Join us by quietly asking God to guide our leader to do things that will bring about peace for all people.

Joseph's Feast

Today is special because it is St. Joseph's Feast Day. He was a very kind, gentle man with a great deal of patience. He worked hard to support his wife Mary and son, Jesus. We can learn a lot if we study this man. Be patient. Be kind. Be gentle.





Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Today I got my red horse glued together after a disaster with the elevator door.
We are playing Bingo with the 5th graders from Roncali.