Friday, May 4, 2007

Republican Debate May 3

Republican Debate May 3, 2007
This is my glimpse of the Republican debate. It was rather boring, no outstanding guy came through. They all wore black suits and most had red ties. Some of these guys I had never seen before. The questions centered around the War, Iran, Abortion, Cloning and public funding, Stem Cell, Religion, Immigration, The first thing you would do if elected, Energy, What takes you would cut? Chris Matthews did a good job keeping it going.
I think Gov. Mit Romeny (a Mormon) stuck out as looking the most presidential. He was very well prepared. When asked why he change his position of abortion, he said he studied the matter in detail and had gone to some educational conferences and had learn a lot and changed from a position of choice to pro-life. He said cloning is going too far. When asked if he would tell a Catholic Bishop that he can’t deny communion to a person who believes in choice. Mit said he wouldn’t tell the Bishop any thing. He felt church and state needs to be separate. As Governor he fights abortion and thinks health care reform is the top of his list. He would put an all new team in the White House if elected. He favors a tamper proof card to help with the immigration problem.
Mayor Rudy Guiliani is a can do man and thinks America offers lots of hope and strength. He loves America. Rudy believes he could work with either a person who favors choice or one opposed to all abortions. He hates abortion himself, but respects women’s right to make a choice as that is the law and he would not change the Roe Vs Wade decision. Rudy believes neither party has a monopoly on all good or all bad. He says he has lots of weakness but didn’t name any. He believes the tamper proof card for immigrants is a good idea. He understands the difference between the various sectors in Iraq. One group believes in power being inherited another group believe you have to earn it. Basically, debate is not Rudy’s best stage. He does better when alone.
Senator John McCain who is now 72 years old is fearful of Iran because of the threat of them having Nuclear Bombs. He would like the support of the people. He feels he is the best prepared of the candidates so far. He feels that spending is out of control and wants the line item veto. He would stop the pork barrel problem in the government now. We need to secure the boarders yet we need to protect the workers. He’d pick men of talent to fill the White House he would not rule one in or out because of party affiliations. He favors a tamper proof card and claims he will go to gates of Hell to get Osama Bin Ladin (I’m not sure how to spell his name). Lets face it this man is too old for the job, he didn’t displace his usual fire.
Doctor and Representative Ron Paul was the Dennis Kucinich of the group. He spoke strongly against the war. He believes in a foreign police of non-intervention. He’d get rid of the IRS to lower the taxes. We over expend on defense according to Dr. Paul. He said he made many tough decisions as a doctor and is very happy that he did not vote for this war. He doesn’t believe in funding stem cell research because we have plenty adult stem cells available. The tax he would like to get rid of is the income tax. He trusts the Internet more than the media and doesn’t think the Internet should ever be taxed. He supports free speech. He believes in privacy and doesn’t favor the tamper proof cards. I think he got his message out and did a good job to improve his position.
Senator Sam Brownback said he is pro-life but could vote for a person who is either pro-life or pro choice. Anyone involved in corruption should be sent to jail. The president should lead by example. He supports laws that support the family. He opposes funding for cloning. Personal beliefs does influence ones thinking according to Sam. Faith should be invited in! We can use our Social Security Cards, do not need tamper proof cards. What we need is a fence. Immigration is a strong concern of Senator Brownback.
Governor Jim Gilmore favors the cold war approach toward our conflict with the entire Middle East. He believe in pro-life. He wants less Government spending. Let the courts decide if non-violent women should be put in jail or stay at home and be a mom and take care of her children. He believes in supporting or funding of stem cell research. He would cut taxes but didn’t name which ones. Gov. Gilmore thinks he is a conservative.
Governor Mike Huckabee says do it right and win the war. We got to win the war. America has great people. We will go to all length to save a miner, we have a culture of life we do not strap bombs on children and let them commit suicide. He believes faith does influence our decisions. He wants a fair tax, what ever that is. I think he is for some reform in the manufacturing tax. He says, bring the jobs back home, don’t send them overseas.
Tommy Thompson wants Iraq to be split three ways: have a centralized government with all three faction participating, oil revenue divided equally. He believes that an employee has the right to fire a gay person if he sees fit to do so. He’d put priority on welfare reform- A president needs to unit people and that will ease the race tensions.
Duncan Hunter claims to be a combination conservative- what ever that is. Iran has crossed the line and US should go after Iran. He wants a boarder fence to stop the massive immigration to US. He has not watched Al Gore’s movie but he does believe we should become independent Energy wise.
Tom Tancredo believes Israel is a real threat He doesn’t support a vote for Karl Rove. He doesn’t feel you have to be a centrist to run for president. He feels immigration needs to be dealt with but not with a tamper proof card.

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