Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Dream Green House

One of the first moves would be to collect the water from bathtubs, showers, and wash machine in some sort of water tank and reuse the water for flushing toilets. I would have the water heated by the sun and saved in a water tank for showers, dishwashing and washing clothes. Toilets, garbage disposal, and slop sink would empty into the regular sewer system but all the other water would be used twice before going to the city sewer system. Rainwater would be collected from the roof of all buildings on the property and stored in a cistern and used for lawn and garden.
The next big move would be to generate electricity by using either the sun or using the wind. I would light the entire house via this source of electricity. I would have the house wire with commercial electricity for all appliances and one tiny night light in each room in case one has no sun or wind for a long period of time..
The house would be heated by the Sun as much as is possible. Electricity would be the source of alternate or additional heat during winter months. A fireplace would be available to help out with heat and keep the yard cleaned up of branches.
The house would be well insulated. Fans would be part of the lighting system and each room would have a fan. One big fan would be used above the stairwell to pull hot air out. Central air would be used but only used when really needed. A small air lock would be used to cut down on cold air entering the house. Fresh air would come into the house thru the air conditioning system.
I realize that the cost of this house is stiff at the building stage but I do think one could live much cheaper and make up the difference in time. My goal is to be as green as possible and yet keep it a reasonable and comfortable house.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Media Clean Up Time

Today I’m thinking about the way the media is going. Last evening I saw combat taking place in Iraq, I saw several movie adds that were very violent, I saw pictures of two beautiful women found dead both mother of children. I also saw the case of Mr. Peterson brought up again because he has a blog. Oh yes much of the time was spent on Jesse Jackson using the “N Word” and that other inappropriate comment he made. I saw a part of a little comic about a rabbit who stole something so they were going to cut off his hand, later they decided to cut off his ear. My question: Is this the best you can do?
The weather was good reporting, I’m sure it helped people get inside to dodge the rain, wind and possible tornadoes. That is about the only good thing. I do believe the Pope is in Australia with many young people that flew in from all over the world and I heard not a word about it. I’ll bet if this same group of young people decided to land upon some beach in Europe and remove their shirts and blouses and put a flower in their hair we would know about that and they would give many minutes to such a story.
We wonder why the young people get these violent ideas into their sweet little heads. I think that if violence were cut down by 75% and possitive acts of goodness increased by 75% we would find a much better world to live in.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Barack and Michelle on cover of "New Yorker" Magazine

I usually, page to see any comics in a magazine. I appreciate humor but putting Barack Obama in a turban and giving Michelle Obama an afro and a machine gun along with a fireplace burning a flag is over the top. I expect a comic to stretch the truth not give false information. Barack is a Christian not a Muslim is the truth of the matter. This cartoon is offensive to both religions. Michelle is a good American citizen raising two beautiful little girls at the same time as she supports her husband on a campaign. The only truth in the whole picture was the fist bumping.
You could have Michelle pinning a flag unto Barack’s lapel as she hold a brush to sweep the lint away from his suit. You could have a picture of the two girls above the fireplace doing the fist bumping. Instead of burning the flag, burn Michelle’s apron. Have a little white and black dog pulling at Barack’s ankle and maybe you could have Barack trying to put on his worn belt, every thing has truth attached to it and it could be made funny. It would show the Obama family as a regular American family. That is the real truth that needs to be promulgated.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

Happy Fourth of July

Today we celebrate the 4th of July. It is a special day for our family because my youngest brother was born on the 3rd of July so we make a big day of it and celebrate his birthday along with the birthday of the United States of America but never with firecracker.

This day also bears much sadness because I have a little cousin who died on this day due to his playing with firecrackers. He had a belt of firecrackers wrapped around his waist and when he lit one they all went off. He ran and ran and would not stop with his parents trying to get him to stop so they could wrap him in a blanket to put out the fire. Actually, the smoke that got into his lungs is the cause of his death. He was only 5 years old at the time.

Because of this death we as children were not allowed to have firecrackers and we would rehear about this horrible death. When my brothers married and had children they decided they had given up firecrackers far too long and they would get some and put on a little home fire show for the family. Kids were allowed only sparklers and only one sparkler at a time. We had water, fire extinguisher, and sand available incase something went wrong.

The party usually started in early afternoon, with a picnic supper at about 6 o’clock and then fire works when the sun went down. The grill was on and we had wieners, hamburgers and spare ribs. Lots of potato salad, watermelon, and vegetables and of course ice cream and pop. It was a meal that the kids enjoyed.

Oh yes, denim shorts, red and/or white t-shirts were fashionable. Of course you wore a flag pin if you owned one. Flags were often the only decoration on the table unless you consider the tablecloth made of newspaper. Bug spray and fly swatters were handy accessories.

My father always checked to see if the corn was knee high before the party started, it gave the men folk something to talk about. If it was knee high he had hope of a good crop other wise not so good. Now-a-days corn can be shoulder high on the 4th. I wonder what dad would think of that if he were living today.

As I grow older I usually add going to Mass before doing any celebrating. It seems appropriate to pray for those who serve in the military and keep our country safe. I like the songs that they sing. “America or America the Beautiful or God Bless America” Remember those Old time Golden Song Books we had in school.

It is a good day to get a history lesson or two off the TV. I usually learn something. I now watch the fire works from my window sitting in my big chair. I have a perfect view of the whole thing. I usually have a friend or two join me and we much on popcorn.

My hope and prayer is that all of you enjoy the 4th in what ever way is appropriate for you.