Monday, April 30, 2007


Abortion is back in the news because of the Supreme Courts decision to ban late term abortions. Abortion is a medical procedure that will kill the fetus or baby almost 100% of the time, however, in rare circumstances will save the mothers life. I believe abortion is morally wrong except in extremely rare cases. In these rare cases of rape and/or incest. I believe more emphasis and education should be given to the mother to allow the child to live through adoption rather than die through abortion. When the mother’s health is at steak and/or the baby is terribly deformed and I’m not talking about a missing toe or finger, I’m talking about a missing brain or heart then abortion seems to be the appropriate procedure to choose. Only the Doctor, mother and father, and clergymen need to be involved to make that choice. I don’t think supreme court justices, lawyers, senators and congress persons should be making these decisions. If society had a more wholesome view on all life issues we would not need to ban abortion because it would seldom be used. Society has become so course that it is willing to put people to death even with the knowledge that the wrong person has often been punished through our court system. If society would be more willing to put some control on who can have or buy a gun we would be better off. War is another life issue! Look at the number that has been killed in the conflict with Iraq. When our leaders continue to allow the killing of all these people it is no wonder that life issues are not properly dealt with. Health care for mothers-to-be, affordable health care for the mother and baby at the birth, continued health care after the baby is born for both the baby and the mother. Child care while mom goes back to work, good education as the child grows up are reasonable expectations. Reasonable housing is needed as well as affordable college education so that the child can become a productive human being. Clean air and clean water are necessary for good healthy living. We need more young people and the only way to get a new generation is for the nation as a whole to make the right choices.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Good Shepherd Sunday

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. Having been raised on a farm I know this about sheep. They follow the leader. If you can get one to take the path you want them to take the rest will follow. I suppose this was true in Jesus’ day too so this image of following would be perfect way to get the lesson to his people to follow and they would be led to the spring of living water.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

First Democratic Debate

First Democratic Debate
Hilary Clinton dressed in a gray suit with a dark insert topped with a string of pearls. She was very lady like, she was articulate and use the word “retaliate” with the skill of a president. Her answers were short, and complete. She did not sound hawkish. She sounded very confident. I’d have to say she is the winner of the first debate.

Barack Obama has a beautiful wife and she would make a beautiful first lady. Barack is a better stump speaker than these one-minute answers to a question. He gets to the point and then time is up. He needs more time to answer the question in full. He gained the most because he prove to America that is able to be on the same stage as long time senators, a first lady, a governor as well as a congressman.

John Edwards had a very nice haircut and he did well with it. He handled his wealth issue with class but he has never forgotten were he came from. The restaurant story was one that many of us in our retirement years can relate to. He still has two Americas.

Bill Richardson seemed a bit tired looking, he was very honest when he said he voted to give the Attorney General a chance to explain himself because he was Hispanic and a friend. Bill also explained that the western part of the United States has a culture that includes guns and the right to bear arms is very much an important part of this culture. His answers were a little long and the time expires on him several times.

Only 3 candidate do not have guns in their homes. If I remember rightly it was Hiliary, Barack, and John Edwards.

Joe Biden did very well with his shortest answer on record for a presidential debate. The question was concerning his ability to discipline himself on the world stage. His answer was “Yes”. Actually, I caught a nice smile on the moderator Brian Williams face before he responded with “Thank you, Senator Biden.”

Mike Gravel offered a little comic relief as he waved his long arms as he answered his questions with a good deal of volume. He said that the democrats in the senate could stop the war right now with a daily filibuster. He was even stronger than Kucinish on the issue. He told Chris Matthew he hid under a rock when ask were he had been all these years?

I wonder how Mr. Hannity expected Mike Gravel to travel to this big event. He sure is upset because the top contenders as he calls them came in private Jets.

Chris Dodd with his thick white hair added some sophistication to the evening. He is very knowledgeable. He also was very Washington.

Dennis Kucinish did his usual plug for peace. He wants us out of Iraq Now! He did a fabulous job on the abortion issue with his culture of life approach. He has married since the last election and I do believe he pick a wife that could easily fit into the white house. She has long flowing red hair and it rested on her beautiful blue dress.
I wished I could hear each speak on the following topics: Life issues, Abortion, Peace, War, Gun Control, Health Care, Medicare, Education, School houses, Jobs, Taxes, and Supreme Court Justice.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bill Moyer

Thank you Bill Moyer for giving it to us straight.

First Cheney leaks a story that becomes a Front page story filled with many false statements. Then he goes on Sunday Morning Talk Shows and repeats all the lies by quoting these stories that he leaked a day or two before. This circular control of the media by many of Bushes men and women really tells me that we need a change before 2008. Remember when Bush told America that he would bring morality to the white house. God bless Bill Moyer for daring to report this. I have had a fear of this Bush group for a long time, I thought they were up to no good but I couldn’t place my finger on it. Now that I know I favor impeachment and I’d start with Cheney.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Privacy laws and Gun Control

This has been a hard week, I do believe that this week could have been prevented if we had a few different laws. First off the privacy law needs to be changed. As is, it stops good people from reporting bad stuff. Who ever it was, be it teacher, doctor or police that believed that this young man was a danger to himself and possibly to others had that information written down in his file so that the school could have seen it before letting him live on a campus and the gun sellers would have to check out before selling a gun then possibly he would not have had a gun and he would not be on campus. If his record at the school would have recorded that a teacher didn’t want him in his/her classroom and the plays he wrote were too violent for class room work was recorded in his file and again the gun sellers had to check all school records from Kindergarten through college I do believe the gun seller would have said, “No I can’t sell you this gun.” Most employer hiring a person check school records. Why wouldn’t gun sellers have to check school records?

Privacy law needs changing.
Gun Control laws need tweaking.
College recruiters need to be more vigilant.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gun Contol

Today, we continue to mourn the lost of 33 students and teachers, some of the greatest men and women America has to offer. I marvel at the students and parents who are grieving this event in the presents of the entire nation, actually the entire world, with such dignity. How the staff could pull together such a beautiful service in the afternoon of the very next day is beyond my imagination. Then to top it off the students bring together an outstanding candle light service at night in this small town of Virginia, brings tears to my eyes.

I hope that some how this event does not go down in history with out some good coming from it. The one good that I can think of is some sort of Gun Control. This Gunman truly was sick and needed help before he was allowed to buy a gun. Since we are having so much trouble with schools and guns, I suggest that gun salesmen be obliged to ask the school/schools the buyer attended if the person buying the gun is healthy mentally. Consider the VT case, the fact that the teacher concerned with his writings, went to higher ups in her school and she reported her concerned to the police some sort of doubt should be reflected in his file so that he would not be able to buy a gun as easily as he did. Even if sample writing were in his file I would think it would alert some one to not sell this guy a gun.

Another point of view, I have a friend who is a teacher’s aid and she was working with a very angry child, and this little primary student went around pretending he was shooting someone. I blame the over exposure of shooting on TV is the reason this child thinks guns is the solution to his problems. By the way the child had to be expelled. Yes, I do believe that his record should show that he has an anger management problem.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

Yesterday, was a sad day, I think of those 33 families that sent their children off to college and now find that they were killed. Such a senseless killing! I really think we need some sort of gun control. I'm not against allowing people to have a gun to go hunting or target shooting. I'm against people who are sick having a gun. This man should not have been able to get his hands on not only one gun but two guns. Is there anything that VT could have done to have prevented this terrible event? I doubt it. This is not a time to blame, it is a time to pray and act.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Daphne Wright

Here we go again, Death or Life in Prison. The crime is awful; the death penalty is awful too. Daphne Wright should be put into a cell, allowed to pray and ask God to forgive her for this crime. With time, allow the victim’s family to forgive her, which will bring grace to both families.

As I see it, the debate can be about the mixture of poisons to be used in executions or we in South Dakota can emulate the Christian way that the Amish in Pennsylvania showed the nation by forgiveness of the murderer who took the lives of five of their young girls. This can only be accomplished if we get rid of the death penalty.

I do not believe that the death penalty is going to deter someone from committing a crime, if they are in a rage. Let’s try using a life sentence as an opportunity to change a life around with love, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

Other states are also concerned about the poison to used in executions. Let us be among the first to make a resolution that no poisons, no electricity, or gallows can be used to execute a human. Instead we will treat our criminals with dignity in hopes that they will turn their life around.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Octave of Easter

A couple days ago I heard a priest give a summary of what the word 'Octave' really means. He said that it really is Easter every day within the Octave. I have been paying close attention to the readings this week and it is so true, everyday has been Easter all over again for me. I'm glad that I heard that explaination, it gives me a new insight to all the post Easter Sunday readings of this past week. We celebrate this event of Jesus rising from the dead once in all of human time. Never before or never again will this event take place. It is powerful for all man kind to grasp, be they believers or non believers.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Imus and Duke Boys

Today, the only news I'm able to get is that Imus has been fired and that the 3 boys from the Duke college team have been declared innocent of all charges. I'm glad they finally got to that point. I thought they were innocent over a year ago. I think Imus has been a little too much of a shock jock and maybe it is time to go. However, I think he is a good man at heart and I hope he finds the just right job for himself. He has done a lot of good for sick children and he needs a high paying job to continue his good deeds. Again, I think the media drove both of these incidents to the ground. However, now that you have made a start at cleaning up the media, I hope that you go all the way and get rid of the stuff that you would be ashamed to have your children or your grandparents see you watching.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Senator Obama

Did you see Dave Letterman and Senator Obama last night? I was extremely impressed with Senator Obama. He really looks good, very presidential! He speaks in such a manner that he hold your attention. He has seriousness about him and yet he can come out with some interesting and funny remarks that hold ones attention. It was by far the best Presidential interview that I have heard this season so far. Usually, I’m bored after five minutes but not so with Barack. He is trying to give up smoking. He says his wife has ask the public to let her know if he trys to smoke while on the campaign. He also says his children have figured that this is a good time to ask for a dog. He is running for President not Vice President. He respects all of the Democrats running for President. He says Hillary is smart and Edwards is a good man and both have done well. He says his money is basically all under $100 donations. He’d like it if funding for the campaign was done differently but until the laws change we have to go this route. He says we all want the same thing, better health care, better schools, and we need to figure out a plan to get out of Iraq.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Campaign Finance

I couldn't believe it when I heard all the money raised to start the campaign for electing a new President of the United States. I suggest that we elect the democrates because we certainly need a change. We could put Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as Co-Presidents and John Edwards and Nancy Pelosi as Co-Vice Presidents. We could use the 64 million that the three of them collected for the poor, also replace a few old schools. We could keep Bill Clinton campaigning for more money to help the various causes that the Democrates have mention along the way. When I taught school we often used co-presidents for class president and it worked out beautifully. It divides up the job nicely. It would also keep one in the office while the other is touring. They could take turns by the month or by the quarter.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Easter Egg Hunt

Today the big attraction was an Easter Egg Hunt. The eggs were hidden all over a big room. The eggs were little plastic eggs with wrapped candy inside. Well, an 18 month little girl came into the room and had a ball hunting for eggs, she stole the show. I found a few myself. The golden egg had a big prize in it. The big prize was $10. It didn't take long and all the eggs were found. It is a fun game for people to play. Real eggs have a great symbolization of the Resurrection of Jesus when an egg burst open and a little bird come out. Of course it would be more fun if this could take place out doors but in South Dakota and all the snow it has to become an indoor activity.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Winter came back

After four days of nice rain, winter paid us another visit. The snow started at about 5pm on Monday and it is still snowing off and on this afternoon. It is beautiful white snow, but oh so cold for April. All of the grade schools and high schools had to close for the day. Just too dangerous to send our young people out on these icy roads. It will give the the farmers just what they have been praying for, namely moisture. This will do so much for the economy of out community. Dear God we could use a little sunshine to melt this snow slowly so that we can save every drop of moisture. Thank You, God!

Monday, April 2, 2007


Today we buried a Sister who was dedicated to the poor. She worked with the Hispanic people and loved to be around them. She spoke Spanish fluently. She came from a big family of eleven children. They grew up in rural South Dakota. It was a big funeral and as one would expect. If you really want a big funeral you need to die young, come from a big family, and have done some sort of unique work. Sister met those requirements. The theme of the funeral was "The Cry of the Poor" and "The Beatitudes". What a wonderful tribute. God bless you as you journey to heaven.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Palm Sunday

Today, Palms were given out as we entered the church. Even the Palms were dry reflecting the draught that so many of us have suffered this past year. Each year on Palm Sunday, I see our Lord coming into the villiage upon an ass and the people waving branches, treating Him like a present day basketball hero. The next week He is put to death like a criminal. Christ has really reached all aspects of human life from His humble birth, His baptism, His great sermons and His long remembered death. He is so human and then we see the Divine nature in his Resurection. As my dad once said, "Good Friday isn't so important, any one can die, it is Easter Sunday, that is really important because only God can rise from the dead."