Saturday, April 28, 2007

First Democratic Debate

First Democratic Debate
Hilary Clinton dressed in a gray suit with a dark insert topped with a string of pearls. She was very lady like, she was articulate and use the word “retaliate” with the skill of a president. Her answers were short, and complete. She did not sound hawkish. She sounded very confident. I’d have to say she is the winner of the first debate.

Barack Obama has a beautiful wife and she would make a beautiful first lady. Barack is a better stump speaker than these one-minute answers to a question. He gets to the point and then time is up. He needs more time to answer the question in full. He gained the most because he prove to America that is able to be on the same stage as long time senators, a first lady, a governor as well as a congressman.

John Edwards had a very nice haircut and he did well with it. He handled his wealth issue with class but he has never forgotten were he came from. The restaurant story was one that many of us in our retirement years can relate to. He still has two Americas.

Bill Richardson seemed a bit tired looking, he was very honest when he said he voted to give the Attorney General a chance to explain himself because he was Hispanic and a friend. Bill also explained that the western part of the United States has a culture that includes guns and the right to bear arms is very much an important part of this culture. His answers were a little long and the time expires on him several times.

Only 3 candidate do not have guns in their homes. If I remember rightly it was Hiliary, Barack, and John Edwards.

Joe Biden did very well with his shortest answer on record for a presidential debate. The question was concerning his ability to discipline himself on the world stage. His answer was “Yes”. Actually, I caught a nice smile on the moderator Brian Williams face before he responded with “Thank you, Senator Biden.”

Mike Gravel offered a little comic relief as he waved his long arms as he answered his questions with a good deal of volume. He said that the democrats in the senate could stop the war right now with a daily filibuster. He was even stronger than Kucinish on the issue. He told Chris Matthew he hid under a rock when ask were he had been all these years?

I wonder how Mr. Hannity expected Mike Gravel to travel to this big event. He sure is upset because the top contenders as he calls them came in private Jets.

Chris Dodd with his thick white hair added some sophistication to the evening. He is very knowledgeable. He also was very Washington.

Dennis Kucinish did his usual plug for peace. He wants us out of Iraq Now! He did a fabulous job on the abortion issue with his culture of life approach. He has married since the last election and I do believe he pick a wife that could easily fit into the white house. She has long flowing red hair and it rested on her beautiful blue dress.
I wished I could hear each speak on the following topics: Life issues, Abortion, Peace, War, Gun Control, Health Care, Medicare, Education, School houses, Jobs, Taxes, and Supreme Court Justice.

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