Sunday, December 28, 2008

A lesson in Economics

A lesson in Economics

Last night as I was preparing for what I would wear the day after Christmas. It didn’t take long and I realized it was Friday and I needed to get out my Red. As I looked at my sweater I said to myself, I need a new red sweater this will not last until all the soldiers come home unless Obama calls them home right away. So I started to figure out how much it costs me to wear red daily. Basically, I wear either a red (summery) dress or a (wintery) red sweater. Each cost me about $25 or $26 and the calendar has about 52 Fridays so that is about a $1.00 per Friday. I don’t wear both at the same time because the reds don't go well together.

Then I got to thinking, what is the most expensive thing I wear. Shoes came to mind immediately. It costs me over $150.00 and you add a little shoe polish, and shoe strings besides tax and you soon have $175.00 invested and I usually wear them for dress the first year and the second year they are for every day. Well, since I have my wheels I now can wear a pair for good for 2 years and for every day for 2 years. So I have $350.00 invested in shoes over about 700 days. That would be about 50 cents a day.

Then I got to thinking, what is the oldest thing that I own? And immediately a blanket that I bought when I was in school in California came to mind. It was on sale for around $10.00 but add tax and I had to buy some satin ribbon to mend the top of it. Now we are probably over $12.00 invested and I have used it almost every day for about 30 years. It comes less than a pence per week. I just retired the blanket and plan to use it inside a quilt. I’d say that was a good investment.

Probably the cheapest thing that I wear is panties. I spent $2.50 each for a dozen and that included the tax, shipping and handling. I’m usually, use 6 panties out in one years time. Put that on a day cost and that’s about 4 cents a day to keep me covered.

It depends what kind of stockings I wear. If I wear real support hose that is big bucks. They run $30.00 a pair and I’m lucky if I get 3 months wear out of a pair. So that is easily 40-50 cents a day. If I wear cheap knee socks it runs only about 3 cents a day. Some times you get a pair and they last a long time and other times you put a pair on and they get a run the first day.

I bought 3 long blankets each $35.00 tax, shipping, handling included this past year. So that makes about 30 cents a day for all three and I use all three most days. That is if they only last one year but I expect them to last at least 10 years so that makes it go to 3 cents and if it last 30 years than we are down to only 1 cent a day. The moral of the story it take care of your stuff and you will not find your self in an economic crisis.

I sure didn't get much sleep that night thinking about the price of stuff.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Republican Convention 08

The Republican Convention

The Maverick John McCain picked his choice for VP. Yes, a pro-life women presently she is Governor of Alaska. Sarah Palin also is the Mother of five children. The oldest still a teen and is 5 months pregnant with her high school sweet heart’s child. They plan to marry. The youngest is a down syndrome boy. Of course the pundits had a hay day with all this. The daughter’s pregnancy was discussed by every one on Monday. Barack Obama told his staff if anyone of them tries to use this in any way to gain in the political race they will be fired because he does not believe children should ever be used in a campaign. Good for you Barack.!

Monday also brought about a large crowd of anti war protesters. The police had to get a little tough and put them in jail.

Day one was more or less scaled down to just the absolute necessities due to the problems in the Golf Region with hurricane Gustav. The program went something like this: a Patriotic song, a prayer, and worked on the Republican platform along with a couple sentence from Cindy McCain and Laura Bush calling the crowd to help out the people in the flood zone. They had a telethon set up to collect money for the flood victims. At one point I heard they collected a couple a million dollars. Nice job!

Laura Bush talked but I did not hear it. The pundits said it was strong defense of her husband George.

Day two a gentleman sang the Star Spangle Banner and a 15 year old wrote an essay about the Pledge of Allegiance and won the contest, a video was made to go with the essay. It was outstanding. The gal then got to lead the convention with the Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by a Christian Singer. Then they interviewed the youngest Mayor, Mayor of Muskogee Oklahoma only 19 years old, I was interested because my double cousin is a deacon there.

President Bush was brought in via video and he spoke with high praise of John McCain because of his position on oil, life, taxes, the surge, September 11, and most of all Serve to country.

Cindy McCain gave tribute to Ronald Regan and told of the Land mines that are being destroyed.

Fred Thompson said things are wonderful and the VP was a breath of fresh air after all she knew how to dress a moose in the field. He stressed that the McCain family goes back to the Revolutionary War as wonderful military men. All of the McCain children were introduced and all the boys are involved in the military. John McCain was in his own words the leader of the troublemakers during his days in training.
Fred Thompson is a story teller and he did tell the story of the McCain family brilliantly. He also put out some red meat for the Democrats to chew on which I did not like. One example, to protect the unborn or a newly born baby was above Obama’s pay grade. Fred’s delivery was perfect.

Joe Lieberman tried to bring the parties together. We don’t need a Democratic or Republican Party, we need an American Party. Washington does need change. He got a huge applause when he praised Clinton’s administration. He praised Sarah Palin but the pundit and myself wonder why, she and Joe are on opposite side of many important issues. Joe’s final plea was to the Democrats that they think of the person when they vote. Who is best ready now! “I say Obama and You say McCain says Sr. Madonna” Joe Lieberman left Joe Biden alone but he really hit hard on Obama on his inexperience. He surely can’t say Sarah Pelin is experienced.

Dr. Ron Paul has a convention of a different style near the NRC. Also a crowd of protesters came to the fence of the convention hall but did not succeed in climbing it. They created a lot of noise on the outside but it did not interfere with what was going on inside. Very good security thanks to the police department. One pundit said they arrested 10 people another said none. I don’t know whose right.

Day three A white man and a black woman sang “America the Beautiful” nice touch!
A Catholic priest gave the blessing

Meg Whitman former CEO of Proctor & Gamble and Dream Works, presently is the co-chair of the NRC really praised John McCain’s policies of lower taxes, and letting companies keep their money

Curly Florena the chair of NRC and former CEO of Hewitt Packard- She was in the Magazine Most Powerful Women in Business- She stress McCain’s Energy policies regard Nuclear energy, she stressed independence energy wise and a balance budget.

Mitt Romney – commented on getting people from the west rather than the east. Change Washington from a Liberal Washington to a Conservative Washington. From an economic stance opportunity is what makes a nation strong, family values is needed and we must fight dependency. Islam is Evil!! He spoke with strong conviction regard economics. Strong voice. Easy to listen to but I didn’t care for his policies. Nice family of boys behind him.

Mike Huckabee- He gave praise to Obama for becoming a candidate on a major ticket without taking advantage of his race card. Mike is a story teller and he told the story of a teacher in Arkansas who removed all the desks the first day of school and she told the children they had to figure out a way to earn their desk and asked them how they thought they would do that. They came up with different ideas like getting better grades, studying harder, being polite, etc the end of the day came and the teacher said none of you gave me the correct answer to how you could earn your desk back so I will tell you. With that 25 soldiers came in with the 25 desks and she said that they did not need to worry because these men already earned their desk for them. It was a story that the kids will never forget. Mike ends with John McCain has earned his desk at the white house.

Rudy was very hard on the Democrats, he started out being hard and yet not using Obama’s name by have two applications with the name and party crossed off and then described each man. And of course he would hire McCain. That was a nice way of doing it with out using the names of the candidates. After that it was every other negative word available to bring down Obama. Security, 911, and such matters took up the bulk of his talk.

Last but not least was Sarah Pelin, Governor of Alaska spoke. She introduced her nineteen-year-old Son, Track, who is serving and will be going to Iraq this fall. Three daughters, all with very odd names, and the baby boy Trig a special needs child. The oldest girl had her boy friend with her and she is pregnant. Sarah’s husband was also introduced. She claims to be a hockey mom and she describes that as being a pit bull with lipstick. She did a nice job introducing her family but when it came to policies, I’m not with her at all. She was dressed beautifully in a white suit coat and dark skirt, her nice dark hair made her a beauty queen at 44 as well as when she was a teen. She is definitely an oil lady. She says she’ll clean up Washington. Build pipeline to the rest of us. I do believe that all the speakers of this day had the same speechwriter they all had the same attacks on Obama. For some reason they left Joe Biden out of the fray. The attacks dealt with no experience, his vote of present instead of yes or no as a state legislator, the rely on guns and religion comment and that Obama was worried if the captured terrorists were read their rights. I don’t recall that she spoke of gay marriage or abortion.

Yes, Sarah is a good pick for John McCain, she adds the youth, excitement and beauty, pro-life, she seems smart, at least she can read a speech from a tell a prompter and she is so far to the right she will bust the right side of the walls out and let the religious right in to vote, but I haven’t a clue what religion she belongs to.

Day four opened with the 6 flags coming into the convention hall. Then the 8 Olympic, dressed in suits, came in to say the “Pledge of Allegiance” and finally the Arch Bishop of the Eastern Rite came in for the blessing. Just think they get $85 Million Federal Matching funds for their Campaign. Lots of Money if you ask me!!

Gov. Hunstsman, the Governor of Utah gave the next speech and his theme was “We are looking for Sarah” He named her qualifications which went something like this. an Athlete in School, a Hockey mom, a PTA member, a moose hunter, member of the NRA, she can dress a moose in the field, Something to do with Oil, Mayor of a City (the size of Madison SD), Governor of Alaska and a mom of 5 children. She raised hell as a kid. She stands for lower taxes, energy independence, business keeps the money you make. Sounds like Bush and McCain are on the same page.

Senator Marsha Blackburn’s was not shown because the news people wanted to talk.

Senator Lindsey Graham was next, his talk was mostly about Iraq “We are Winning” because of the surge that McCain wanted. He made some charges about Obama and the War that I believe are false. He gave the same praise of Sarah: Moose hunter, Maverick, Lover of outdoors, Basketball, PTA and Hockey Mom. She wants to drill Alaska oil and increase funds for infrastructure. She also took on the ethic issue and got rid of help in the governor’s house.

Gov. Tom Ridge showed a video “America’s Place in the World” And he sang the praises of John McCain and Sarah Pelin

Cindy McCain gave her speech. She was dress in a $300,000 outfit. I liked it and her speech was informative and a little baggy. A video was shown that told of her parents selling everything and barrowed $10,000 to start the beer business which was very profitable. Cindy got a masters in Special Education, She is using her share to help poor children across the world and she hoped her parents would be pleased. I suspect the 9 houses belong to Cindy. Both Cindy and John lied about their age when they first met. She added a few years to her age and he subtracted a few years from his age. It was love at first sight. She introduced their children. I believe they are: Meg, John, Jack, Jim, Andy, Bridget, Cindy. Jack is a 4th generation in the navy. And Jimmy is going to Iraq soon. She got the black girl from Mother Theresa as a baby. She had to have some surgery as a baby and the McCain’s adopted her. Cindy McCain says the her dad use to say “Leave this earth in a better place then when you came” She told of their commitment to each other and their work, they are compassionate, Operation Smile is the name of her operation, she also removes landmines. I really liked her and she would make a very good first lady.

Last speech was John McCain, it was sort of funny that a picture of a school with a big green lawn was the back drop for John’s speech. Bad coloring and not meant to be. They eventually got it changed to blue. His speech was 67 paragraphs long. Some Topic he talked about are as follow: 911, thank Bush for keeping us safe, Laura Bush a module of grace, Cindy my inspiration, She’d be a great first Lady, 96 year old mother Roberta McCain, Respectful of Obama, I work for you, Immigrants, lower taxes, strong defense, rule of law, Don’t legislate from the bench, value of family, he called his war story a blessing, it taught him to serve others not self. One needs something bigger than self to really amount to much. I’m prepared to keep security of America in tack. Confetti, balloons, and firecrackers from the TV turn the convention hall to a party hall.

Delivery was poor according to my evaluation. Content was repeat of regular Republican stuff. Nothing really new.

Read my lipstick is one of the latest pins.

I just hope people don’t vote for Sarah because she is a women and Brack because he is ½ Black. It you want change and peace take Obama and Bedin, If you want more Bush and fight some more take McCain and Pelin.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Democratic Presidential Convention

Democratic Presidential Convention

This Democratic nomination was destine to be great after all the candidates dropped out of the race except Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the First black man and the first women. Either one could have won that race and it would change America. Either scenario is the dream of 25% of the nation if not more. To pull unity out of this split party is almost unbelievable. I made my self a convention hat I think I enjoyed it as mush as if I were there.

The convention took place at the Pepsi Center in Denver Colorado for the first 3 days and then the climax took place the fourth day at the mile high stadium, which will hold about 80,000 people.

Sen. Edward Kennedy, who has been under going treatment for brain cancer, was honored by a video introduced by his niece Caroline, the only living member of Jack Kennedy’s family. Edward paid tribute to Barack Obama and his less than 10 minutes speech brought about strong applause. He promises to be at the inauguration the first week of November. He definitely brought the crowd to their feet and prepared the stage for Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama was introduced by her brother. A video was shown about Barack’s background from being a son of a smart black man from Kenya, here in the states to get an education, and a white gal from Kentucky. She told how her family accepted him in spite of a name they couldn’t pronounce. Her brothers told her he was ok after they had a little basket ball game. Michelle told of their choice to do work of service in the south side of Chicago. The pay was not very good. They had a very run down car and Barack was so proud of his new born daughter. Michelle’s paid tribute to Hillary Rodham Clinton paved the way for our little girls to be able to do what ever they want to do. The best of all pictures was the picture of Barack on the TV After Michelle’s speech was over and the girls said there is daddy. Barack asked the girls if mommy did a good job. They said yes and they asked him what town was he in and where was he staying. Very unrehearsed and so family like.

Tuesday, it was Hillary’s turn to step unto the stage. She wanted her supporters to support Barack. She pointed out some of McCain’s weaknesses and then said, “No way. No How. No McCain. Which will probably become a chant during the next couple months. “ Were you in this campaign just for me?” she questioned her supporters. Hillary emphasized that she brought in 18 million votes, which she called 18 million cracks in the ceiling thus making the climb for the next generation of girls much easier. She told her supporters she was going to support Barack and she said they should too if they didn’t want a third term of Bush. Her Husband Bill Proudly kept whispering from his chair in the audience, “I love you”.

Wednesday, Robert Moore, dress in an native American costume, is a South Dakota Singer and an elected council member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe sang the national anthem. He represented his state well.

Hillary calls for the nomination of the Sen. Barrack Obama by acclamation. This is so important. Just think we finally have a black man nominated for President of the United States on a major ticket.

Former President Bill Clinton was the next prime time speaker. He did not try to out do his wife he compared his administration to George Bush and Dick Cheney's. And no one could do it better than Bill. He talked about the bad war we got brought into by lies, the poor diplomacy policies. He point out the bad economy that we have been dealing with. $4.00 Gas, homes being foreclosed, health care and jobs are not there. He really made Bush’s 8 years a comedy of errors. He said his job was to liven up the audience for Joe Biden who was to come next. And that he did.

Beau Biden the son of Joe introduced Joe Biden. Beau told of the accident that took his mother and sister’s life. Beau and Hunter were badly injured and in the hospital. Joe had just been elected to the senate and not yet sworn in. He contemplated giving up the senate seat, saying Delaware can find another senator but my boys cannot find a new dad. But people like Ted Kennedy and others persuaded him to become a senator. So he was sworn in at the bedside of his son and he road the train 4 hours each day so that he could be home with his sons. Beau said that he and his brother Hunter and his dad Joe married Jill, a schoolteacher. Joe and Jill have a little girl. The children are grown up and the family was present with Joe the leader, Jill beside him and lots of grandkids. It was truly an American family who pulled together in spite of tragedy.
Joe Biden spoke high of John McCain’s person, service and patriotism but he is wrong on the issues. He compared McCain the Senator and McCain the candidate. He wants McCain to decided who he really is. Is he Senator the Maverick McCain or McCain, Bush’s Third term? Joe’s voice was strong, and steady as he made each attack. The crowd cheered. Yes, Joe is a good choice. At the end Jill announced a surprise. And Barack pops out and give him a big huge. And the Biden family come forth.

The Martin Luther King Family gave a tribute to their father on this the 45th anniversary of his famous “I Have a Dream” speech.

Friday, I took pizza and root beer to my room and watched what was going on at the convention from my easy chair. They were packing people into the Invesco stadium like sardines. An estimate of 84,000 people got into the Invesco football field. One nice thing John McCain sent Barack an advertisement that was a congratulation in nature. Nice touch John! He said it was a one day advertisement. He plans to hit hard Friday. Some music groups played and a few speeches came forth. The Gold medal Gymnast Miss Shawn Johnson was suppose to lead the Pledge of Allegiance, but I didn’t get to see her because the pundit wanted to talk just as she was beginning to say the Pledge. Barack Obama’s speech came forth. He outlined the failed Policies of George W. Bush. Actually, he pointed out 29 such policies and what he plans to do to change the situation. He vowed to cut taxes for the working-class, end the war in Iraq and break American dependence upon Mideast oil within a decade. Barack also hit hard on the republican plan for health care, education and the economy. He believe any one who works hard deserves a good home, health care, and opportunity to send their kids to college. He pointed out that we have common ground on the abortion issue in that we might be on opposite sides of the issue we all agree there should be fewer abortions. Barack says, I’m not a hunter but I do believe that they should be able to have their guns our common ground is that Gun control needs to keep the guns out of the hands of the criminals. Another issue is the gay marriage, we certainly agree that a friend aught to be able to see his/her friend in the hospital. He talked about the foreign countries with knowledge beyond my imagination.

Barack Obama used technology with ease. The whole convention was as if it was one long speech beginning with introducing the characters, each with a defined role and culmination with a climax hard to beat.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

From Politics to Olympics

My devotion to politics has weaken somewhat since John Edward announced his fling so I substituted the Olympics for Politics for my evening TV engagement this past week. I have been rewarded much by the wonderful events starting from the opening ceremony. The Chinese really did show the world the meaning of beauty, technology, precision, and perfection. I love the bird nest idea. I don’t think I will ever forget the tall man and the small child carrying the flag for China nor will I forget the lost boy that became an American and carried our flag. Each has a story to tell.

The three American girls who won all three medals in the fencing competition surprise every one because we didn’t hear much about United States having anyone in this competition. The water cube has the biggest story to tell by surpassing previous wins and doing it more often than ever before. What an example this young man, Michael Phelps is to all youth of the world especially to the United States. Then to think that a 41 year old lady would tell the world “Don’t put an age limit on your dreams” you can still do a lot even if you are past that youth mark. The American Male Gymnasts showed the world that team is important. After loosing two of their best to injuries the team still took bronze. I think the most beautiful event took place on the gymnastic floor. I thought the Chinese ladies were good but they looked like children playing. When the eight Americans women took over they were so mature and so graceful in the individual competition. I do believe I will remember the winning floor routine forever it was so beautiful. This young lady, Naster Liukin coached by her Dad, wasn’t a spectacular beauty queen as she sat and concentrated on what she would be doing next. But when she preformed she became as beautiful a queen as I have ever seen, so graceful and poised as well as self confidant.

In the very final individual gymnastic event for the women another team member the bright eyed little girl from West Des Moines Iowa, named Shawn Johnson, received a gold medal on the beam with a score of 16.225. It made her coach, an immigrant from China, so proud. He recalled how he opened up a training shop over a decade ago and Shawn just a wee one at the time was one of the first to come through his doors into his training shop and now he can show off the fruits of his labor to both the United States and China. Shawn has a smile that reaches across her face. She certainly is a winner.

Johnathan Horton, knew he had to add to his routine if he was to have a chance at a medal and so he practice and preformed on the High Bar a routine that awarded him with a Silver Medal. Dawn Harper won the 100Meter Hurdle because her teammate hit the last hurdle.
Henry Cejudo a Mexican immigrant one of seven children raise by his mother brought home the Gold for his mom is one of the many touching stories.

Yes, the TV time was enjoyed and the politicians are still naming the same names as possible running mates as they continue to batter John Edwards name around. Maybe the Convention will be inspiring come next week. I hope so!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Dream Green House

One of the first moves would be to collect the water from bathtubs, showers, and wash machine in some sort of water tank and reuse the water for flushing toilets. I would have the water heated by the sun and saved in a water tank for showers, dishwashing and washing clothes. Toilets, garbage disposal, and slop sink would empty into the regular sewer system but all the other water would be used twice before going to the city sewer system. Rainwater would be collected from the roof of all buildings on the property and stored in a cistern and used for lawn and garden.
The next big move would be to generate electricity by using either the sun or using the wind. I would light the entire house via this source of electricity. I would have the house wire with commercial electricity for all appliances and one tiny night light in each room in case one has no sun or wind for a long period of time..
The house would be heated by the Sun as much as is possible. Electricity would be the source of alternate or additional heat during winter months. A fireplace would be available to help out with heat and keep the yard cleaned up of branches.
The house would be well insulated. Fans would be part of the lighting system and each room would have a fan. One big fan would be used above the stairwell to pull hot air out. Central air would be used but only used when really needed. A small air lock would be used to cut down on cold air entering the house. Fresh air would come into the house thru the air conditioning system.
I realize that the cost of this house is stiff at the building stage but I do think one could live much cheaper and make up the difference in time. My goal is to be as green as possible and yet keep it a reasonable and comfortable house.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Media Clean Up Time

Today I’m thinking about the way the media is going. Last evening I saw combat taking place in Iraq, I saw several movie adds that were very violent, I saw pictures of two beautiful women found dead both mother of children. I also saw the case of Mr. Peterson brought up again because he has a blog. Oh yes much of the time was spent on Jesse Jackson using the “N Word” and that other inappropriate comment he made. I saw a part of a little comic about a rabbit who stole something so they were going to cut off his hand, later they decided to cut off his ear. My question: Is this the best you can do?
The weather was good reporting, I’m sure it helped people get inside to dodge the rain, wind and possible tornadoes. That is about the only good thing. I do believe the Pope is in Australia with many young people that flew in from all over the world and I heard not a word about it. I’ll bet if this same group of young people decided to land upon some beach in Europe and remove their shirts and blouses and put a flower in their hair we would know about that and they would give many minutes to such a story.
We wonder why the young people get these violent ideas into their sweet little heads. I think that if violence were cut down by 75% and possitive acts of goodness increased by 75% we would find a much better world to live in.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Barack and Michelle on cover of "New Yorker" Magazine

I usually, page to see any comics in a magazine. I appreciate humor but putting Barack Obama in a turban and giving Michelle Obama an afro and a machine gun along with a fireplace burning a flag is over the top. I expect a comic to stretch the truth not give false information. Barack is a Christian not a Muslim is the truth of the matter. This cartoon is offensive to both religions. Michelle is a good American citizen raising two beautiful little girls at the same time as she supports her husband on a campaign. The only truth in the whole picture was the fist bumping.
You could have Michelle pinning a flag unto Barack’s lapel as she hold a brush to sweep the lint away from his suit. You could have a picture of the two girls above the fireplace doing the fist bumping. Instead of burning the flag, burn Michelle’s apron. Have a little white and black dog pulling at Barack’s ankle and maybe you could have Barack trying to put on his worn belt, every thing has truth attached to it and it could be made funny. It would show the Obama family as a regular American family. That is the real truth that needs to be promulgated.

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

Happy Fourth of July

Today we celebrate the 4th of July. It is a special day for our family because my youngest brother was born on the 3rd of July so we make a big day of it and celebrate his birthday along with the birthday of the United States of America but never with firecracker.

This day also bears much sadness because I have a little cousin who died on this day due to his playing with firecrackers. He had a belt of firecrackers wrapped around his waist and when he lit one they all went off. He ran and ran and would not stop with his parents trying to get him to stop so they could wrap him in a blanket to put out the fire. Actually, the smoke that got into his lungs is the cause of his death. He was only 5 years old at the time.

Because of this death we as children were not allowed to have firecrackers and we would rehear about this horrible death. When my brothers married and had children they decided they had given up firecrackers far too long and they would get some and put on a little home fire show for the family. Kids were allowed only sparklers and only one sparkler at a time. We had water, fire extinguisher, and sand available incase something went wrong.

The party usually started in early afternoon, with a picnic supper at about 6 o’clock and then fire works when the sun went down. The grill was on and we had wieners, hamburgers and spare ribs. Lots of potato salad, watermelon, and vegetables and of course ice cream and pop. It was a meal that the kids enjoyed.

Oh yes, denim shorts, red and/or white t-shirts were fashionable. Of course you wore a flag pin if you owned one. Flags were often the only decoration on the table unless you consider the tablecloth made of newspaper. Bug spray and fly swatters were handy accessories.

My father always checked to see if the corn was knee high before the party started, it gave the men folk something to talk about. If it was knee high he had hope of a good crop other wise not so good. Now-a-days corn can be shoulder high on the 4th. I wonder what dad would think of that if he were living today.

As I grow older I usually add going to Mass before doing any celebrating. It seems appropriate to pray for those who serve in the military and keep our country safe. I like the songs that they sing. “America or America the Beautiful or God Bless America” Remember those Old time Golden Song Books we had in school.

It is a good day to get a history lesson or two off the TV. I usually learn something. I now watch the fire works from my window sitting in my big chair. I have a perfect view of the whole thing. I usually have a friend or two join me and we much on popcorn.

My hope and prayer is that all of you enjoy the 4th in what ever way is appropriate for you.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Primaries for the year 2008

I was in awe at the number of times the candidates came to the state of South Dakota. It is the first time that the primaries meant so much to our citizens. Usually every thing is decided by the time for our state gets to go to vote. Personally, I think this whole thing of election could be simplified. The candidates could go around to all the states starting in the east and going west. They could have a rally or two in each state. Televised these rallies. Have a few debates in the bigger cities and they too could be televised. Have each state poll their people so that those who have no hope of being nominated could and would drop out. Each candidate finances his or her campaign by people sending money to the candidates. This money could be used for travel and for TV time. No Lobby money involved. Contributions limited to a given amount. I would think a hundred and fifty days would be enough time. Then vote all on the same day. I would suggest that the voting be done on the last Tuesday of June. The winners of that would begin the campaign all over this time going west to east. Then the last Tuesday in October, vote for the president and vice president. I would allow absentee voting for a period of two weeks ahead of time in each case. Do away with the big Convention because it really does take a lot of money to do this type of things and favors get asked at that time. Each Television station would be expected to cooperate and do this service with a small stipend from the government. All the Television Stations could name their times at the beginning of the week that they are assigned to the campaign. No advertisement during these times. I would suggest that these times be given our randomly. Thus the same station is not on prime time. I would encourage stations to allow more time while the candidates are in the state campaigning. This would eliminate delegates and super delegate. Every man and women has two votes, one to name the nominees of their party in June and one to elect the president and vice president in October.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


For 75 years I have taken for granted my eyesight. I could enjoy the beautiful sky almost any day of the year sometimes it was a beautiful blue, other times it was blue with fluffy white clouds and then there were clouds that warn you of bad weather ahead. The sunsets with the beautiful bright yellows, orange, and reds that made the western sky so beautiful made me pause ever so often. The morning sunrise with the beautiful colorful sky coming over top of the buildings in the east gave me reason to rejoice. The beautiful trees especially in the fall, the beautiful flowers from early spring to late fall gave me great joy. I never once thanked God for this wonderful gift that God gave me as my birth present. I took it so for granted. That was true until February 1, 2008 three quarters of a century later, I happened to cover my right eye with my hand and I realized that I could not see much out of my left eye. Actually, I could only see out of the lower part of my eye. The right eye was doing a good job of giving me my sight.
I went to the doctors and they put me thru many tests and the best they could find was a mini stroke. I was so use to seeing, every thing I did involved seeing, I worked at a computer, of course I used my eyes. I enjoyed TV, another eye activity. I liked to sew, which involved use of my eyes, I enjoyed crocheting, which involved my eyesight. I feel deserted by my own body now that I can’t see out of the left eye and the right eye seems tired and closing in on me. This has all taken place within less than the shortest month of the year.
What lesson do I wish to give to you from this experience? First of all do thank God for your eyesight. By all means do not wait until your sight is gone. I know it is hard to smile when you feel so deserted but it is the best image you can give your neighbor is a smile, remember they just might be able to see. I do pray that God will see fit to restore my sight. Doctors, don’t think that will happen but I still believe in miracles.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Two Campaigns down, forty eight to go

Two campaigns down

I have been taking in the campaign of 2008 via TV and I must say it has provided me with some big surprises. I never would have guessed that Obama and Huckabee would take Iowa and then an even bigger surprise in that Clinton and McCain would take NH. I would like to see John Edwards and Mitt Romney take the next state and then with the three top candidate of each party go at it in some sort of debate.

All six of these candidates have something special to give the nation. Obama, is so youthful and such a good speaker, and to think that the United States is considering this black man to be their president tells the world that our race problems are fading away.

Clinton would be the first women president, that tells me that sexism is fading also. It was not all that long ago that women could not even vote in the United States. Hillary is bright and can give the world a true politician from head to toe along with an x president that is all a politician.

John Edwards knows what it is like to be poor and appreciates the fact that he rose up by his and his parent’s bootstraps. He certainly could do a lot to fight the lobbyist running and ruining our government.

Huckabee has a gift of talk; I do believe he could talk us out of war if he became our president. He too knows a little bit of poverty and rose up by his own bootstraps. He offers to America a conscience and that is good.

McCain offers the wisdom that comes with age. He says what he believes to be true. He has no time or money for poles. He knows what war is about, he has been there and done that.

Mitt Romney has known money most of his life. He has learned from his father, who also was a politician. He has the presidential look and that looks is very promising especially when you see a row of handsome young men stand behind him, namely his sons.

We the people must choose who is best for our time. We'll study hard and pray hard so that we will pick the right man or women.