Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Red Dress Day

Why A Red Dress Day

When I was growing up we were poor and we were often given things to wear. My sister and I were very much the same size, she being dark haired looked best in red and I being blond looked best in blue, so I seldom got anything red. However, I did inherit one red outfit during high school. My sister and I took Home Economics. We had to sew something in a wool fabric. My sister worked on a red wool and I had a steel blue wool. My sister took many more stitches out then she put in. She was so tired of the red suit when she finished she only wore it once and that was to be graded. Finally, she gave it to me. I wore it and liked it. The only other red things that I had were a scarf or blouse now and then. That came about when I was cheerleading advisor when I taught school in a school with one of its colors being red. Actually, I didn’t feel all that comfortable in red, I always felt irritated so I just stuck to my blues most of the time. Well, in later years I was tested for allergies and sure enough, yellow was off the chart, green and orange not too good for me either and red also gave me a little problem. So now, I know why I stick to tan, brown, blue and black .

I have a jumper pattern that I like very much and I have made, you guessed it a tan jumper, brown jumper, blue jumper and black jumper from the same pattern with a slight variation over the years. When shopping a couple years ago for another tan piece of material to go with a nice brown jacket, the tan was out of stock. I saw this red, which I just couldn’t live without and bought it on a whim. It laid on the sewing machine for over a year. Finally, I had a reason to sew it. My cousin said a group of ladies were going to wear red on Fridays until all the young men and women were home from the war. I thought perfect, so I sewed my piece of red fabric into a nice jumper. Yes, you guessed it, my favorite jumper pattern. Now every Friday, I wear the red jumper. It never fails that I get some sort of comment such as, “Why the red dress today?” It gives me an opportunity to say I’m wearing red on Fridays in protest of the war. Not a single Friday has gone by that I haven’t gotten some sort of comment. I only wish President Bush could see me wearing a red jumper in a non-violent protest to his war. So gals join me, pull out your red dresses and guys, I bet you have a red shirt some place in the closet, join me in protest.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fruit Flies

Fruit Flies

I have lots of fruit flies because I love fruit. The flies seem to be the unwanted guests. I have found a way to control them.

Take a clear colored plastic water container that this new generation seems to be filling the landfill with these days. Cut the top off and place a couple grapes, a banana pealing, and a pit or two into the container. Then make a funnel like out of stiff paper with a small hole at the bottom and wide opening at the top. Place the funnel in the container so that it is at least an inch away from the collection of fruit. Then seal the top off so that they can go into the wide opening but cannot get out the under side of the funnel. For some reason, the flies can go down through the little hole but they are not smart enough to come out through that same hole.

I also use a vase instead of plastic water container. My vase has a long neck and I can make a neater looking fly trap.

It is so much fun to watch the flies. I some times get a dozen in one day. Actually, it is as much fun watching them fly around as to watch goldfish swim. I usually take my fly trap out doors and let them go free. It sure helps get rid of them from my room. I am a great fruit eater because I need to eat something before taking some of my many pills before I retire.

Have fun catching flies!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

St.Therese Of Lisieux

St.Therese of Lisieux

St. Therese of the Child Jesus or the Little Flower are names that have been given to this saint. St. Therese was born about 1873. She was a very frail child. Her mother was having health problems. Therese was the youngest of 9 children, 2 boys and 2 girls died in infancy leaving five girls. Therese had to be nursed by another mother because her own mother was sickly and could not nurse her. Therese became strong as she grew older and soon was able to be home with her mother. Therese stayed close underfoot to her mom until she was 4 years old. Therese also had a close bond to her father. He called her his little queen. They often went fishing together. Their home was a loving home of upper middle class French style. When her mother died, Therese chose her older Sister Pauline to be her mother.

Therese had a hard time in school, for some reason her classmates teased her and picked on her to the point that she could not go to school any longer. She begged her father to let her be home schooled by her sister Pauline. Her father finally gave in and let her stay home. She disliked mathematics. However, there was great rejoicing when she finally graduated.

Her older sisters Pauline entered Carmel, her sister Marie became Therese’s Mother and it wasn’t long and Marie entered the same convent as Pauline. Her third Sister Leona joined the Visitation Sisters. With her older sister gone it left Therese and Celine home alone with their dad.

Therese became very sick and the family feared she would die. Finally after a long spell of unconsciousness she recovered almost as rapidly as she became sick. Her father prayed to Our Lady and Therese said she saw Our Lady, who smiled at her, come toward her. Therese sat up and said to her dad, “I’m hungry.” From that day forward she became stronger and stronger not only in her physical health but her spiritual and emotional well being.

Therese was determined to enter Carmel at the age of 15. She first went to the superior and she said no you are too young. Then she went to the Bishop and he too said she was too young. Then on a holiday to Rome she went to see the Pope and she requested that she be allowed to enter the convent at the age of 15 in honor of the Jubilee. The Pope said do whatever the superiors tell you. She was heart broken, but not long after the Bishop wrote to her and told her she could enter Carmel at this early age, however she had to wait for a few more months before she could enter.

Shortly after she entered the convent her father became very frail. Celine remained faithful to her dad till he died. Celine entered the same convent as her 3 other sisters. Celine was allowed to take her camera with her to the convent. She had worked as a publisher and took excellent pictures. Thus Carmel has some very nice pictures not only of the nuns but of the convent itself.

Sister Therese had hard times in the convent too. Her novice mistress was rather hard on her. Sister Therese would smile at her and continue on with what ever she was doing. Therese was in charge of some dusting and garden work. She loved the roses. She didn’t care for cobwebs.

Sister Therese took sick and she started to cough up blood. She was confined to her bed. She was asked by her superiors to write her autobiography. The Doctors told Sister Pauline that Therese was going to die due to the fact that she had a bad case of TB. They called it consumption in those days. She died at the age of 24 in 1897. She became a saint in 1997. She became a Doctor of the church. There are only 33 doctors of the church. To be a doctor of the church your teachings have to be accepted by the church and by the laity. When Sister Pauline was in charge at the convent all of Therese’s writings were corrected by Pauline and locked up. Some years later when Celine was in charge of the convent Celine let the public see Therese’s work. The convent also sent the remains of Therese around the world. People came by the thousands to touch the glass case containing her remains. The people were attracted to her simple loving relationship with God and God’s son Jesus and His mother Mary. St. Therese did not believe in a harsh God. She did not support violence. She did not believe that you had to do great things to get to heaven. She believed in doing the little things as best you can with out much fuss and that would take you on the path to heaven. Her vocation was Love!

St. Therese is a saint for our times. Jansenism, which taught that God was harsh. The church supported wars, death penalty, and violence all of which hurt the church and it was St. Therese who said that God is a God of Love. Pope John II agreed fully with St. Therese and he wanted her to become a saint so the people would have a model and treat each other with love and gentleness.

I must admit that I knew very little about St. Therese before the retreat. I knew that she left roses around but that is about all. I apprechiate what I learned and hopefully I will be able to live by her simple prayerful way.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Democrat YouTube Debate

Democrat Youtube Debate

The Democrat debate with the youtube video was outstanding. The questions were so interesting and the variety added so much to the debate. I did not get bored as I often did with some TV newsperson asking the questions. My favorite add of the candidates was the one about hair. I think John Edwards has handled the teasing about the hair with great dignity. My favorite question is the one about taxes. To ask a question with a song is really a novel idea. I enjoyed the bearded man asking if Al Gore was going to run and them the snowman asking about global warming.

Now for the serious questions. I thought Barack Obama did a fine job on the restitution to the blacks when he said to make sure the schools in the black communities are good schools would be proper restitution. I also liked Obama’s response to if he is black enough. He knows he is black when he calls for a Taxi.

I thought Hillary Clinton did a good job on the question about would she be willing to meet with leaders from some of our not so friendly countries when she said she did not want to be their pond and she would send out feelers first to see if they were really wanting to talk. I thought Hillary also did herself well when she said she felt that people would know she was a strong leader, she had no problem presenting herself.

I thought John Edwards did an outstanding job on the health issue when he saw no excuse for a man to have to wait until he was 50 years old to get a cliff palate repaired so that he would be able to talk because he was poor. I think he also pointed out that he would do a good job for women when it came to women’s issues. He had been working for them most of his professional life. I liked John’s honesty with the gay marriage issue. He will protect gay’s rights including civil unions while he personally found it hard to support gay marriages. He would not let his personal belief get in the way of supporting gay’s in civil unions. He would not interfere with churches that wish to or not to honor such unions with a sacrament.

Dennis Kucinish was straight forward on the issue of the war. He would get the military home as fast as possible; he is totally against the Iraq War. He also was straight forward on the gay issue. He had no problem saying that he would support gay marriage. The church can decide if they want to sanction the civil union with a sacrament. He would not raise taxes because he would get the money by saving money when we stop the war.

Dodd speaks his mind fast. He has always been a fast thinker. He seems to remain very Washington.

Bill Richardson did a good job on the immigration situation. I think we need to keep him in politics because he has a sense of what is the right thing to do in the tough situations. Immigration is one such issue. I enjoyed his hand going up and down on the plane question. Finally, he said but I came the night before. It added a little humor.

Mike Gravel is the uncle that comes to feasts and grumbles thru the whole meal. I’m not sure this is the proper place for him. He thinks women should be expected to sign up for military duty when they reach the age of 18. He said, “Why Not”

Joe Biden did make an effort to put some realistic numbers involved in getting the troops home. He did well with the gun issue. The questioner really had too big of a gun.

I like the question about how many sent their children to Public School. Most of the candidates had experienced both Public and Private Schools and had great respect for both.

I have no idea who won the debate. Some say Hillary! She looked strong, smart, and quick witted! Some say that Obama looked inexperience. But remember JFK looked inexperience too when he became president. I think all of them except Mike Gravel could do us proud has president or Vice President. If I had to do the picking I’d make Hillary Clinton President, Barack Obama Vice President, I would put John Edwards in charge of Health Care and Social Security, I would ask Bill Richardson to take care of Immigration along with his Governorship or make him Secretary of State. I would ask Dennis Kucinish to bring the troops home along with his Representative job. I would ask Chris Dodd and Joe Biden to keep their Senate Seats and keep pushing for good legislation.

I don’t believe the word abortion was used even once all night. I would like to have heard more definite plans for health care, education, and social security. I would like to see each candidate’s spouse, and children. I would like to see some sort of plan to rebuild schools houses and improve roads.
I’m so happy to see such a nice group of candidate. God Bless them all.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Meeting Presentation Style

There is a season for everything. April showers bring Mayflowers. This year we might say a May flood brought beautiful June flowers and June brings meetings and celebrations. We call these meetings Community Days. Every one comes to Aberdeen unless they are sick. We usually start with some sort of State of the Community address given by our President and we usually have some sort of financial report. So we know where the money is coming from and where it is going. It is customary to hear from our sponsored ministries. So we hear how things are going at the College and Avera Hospital system, which are long time sponsored ministries. We might hear from Rural ministry or the Hispanic ministry, which are more recent sponsored ministries. Then we hear from the various committees and teams. These committees and/or teams are the product of our Chapter, which is a big meeting of the sisters that takes place every 4 years. The most recent Chapter’s Committees consists of 1. Studying any need for changes in our formation of our leadership. 2. Studying Collaboration with other PBVM communities and 3. Living out our life with an eye on Consistent Ethic of Life. I enjoyed the last report the most. We were asked to voluntarily bring a display of some sort that showed how we were personally taking Consistent Ethic of Life seriously. We called this “Consistent Ethic of Life Fair”. We had 16 takers on that and the displays varied greatly. Sisters were given 3 minutes to tell about their display. Some showed a short video, some put their actions to word of a song, some wrote a poem, some had a power point display, others just told it like it is. It was interesting. We had Nature Awareness, Environment, Recycling, Collection of items for women with little resources, The future Church, Relationships, Reports on Depleted Uranium, Department of Peace, Capital punishment and scrape books of the May flood in Aberdeen. The three-day meeting ended with a missioning ceremony. Each sister was given a card which state what she is expected to do for the year and who she is to pray specially for during the year. Then the next day we celebrate Jubilee’s. This year we had 2 that are celebrating their 70th year. We had 3 that are celebrating their 50’s and the next week end we had 9 that are celebrating their 60’s. So June is basically gone with all this meeting and celebration. These regular yearly meetings help keep us on track and accomplish as much as we do considering our age. Maybe we should give a demonstration to the White house.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Father's Day

My Father

My father was a man of small stature. He was a twin. His twin was a girl and larger than he. He was sickly from the start.

His father died when he was 4 years old and his oldest brother was 13 at the time of their dad’s death. Grandma Anna could not read or write English so she decided that the farm would be the best place to raise her family of four boys and one girl. Dad went to school in the winter months and he finished 4th grade. He was very good with numbers, he was poor speller and he read well for content but mispronounced many words. He educated himself in farming by reading Farm magazines. We could not throw them away.

Dad did not marry until he was 27 years old. In fact, he thought he just might not find the right girl to marry until his mom introduce him to my mother at a church bazaar where Anna and my mother were on Kitchen detail. The courtship was rather short. He liked mom because she was a church going lady who knew how to work. They married in 1931 during the depression. Well, guess what by the end of the next year I was born. Dad once told me he was so proud of me that when he held me he thought he was six feet tall. He never thought he would be so lucky to get such a good wife and now to have a daughter. It made him feel like he was on top of the world! Shortly after my birth he took sick and was a sickly man for the rest of his life.

When he was a young man before marriage he had to have gall stone surgery. His health problems began then, because he was put into a room where the previous patient had scarlet fever. He got the fever and begged not to have the surgery but no one listen to him. The results were that things grew together inside his body. He ended up with six chronic conditions. He needed a new stomach outlet; he had obstructive hepatics due to a closed duck to his liver, poor circulation, congestive heart failure, ulcers in the stomach and intestines. He was so sick that he could not even leave the hospital to go to his own mother’s funeral.

This frail man finally came home and he kept his mind alert as a shark till the hour he died at the ripe old age of 84. He watched TV therefore he knew what was happening politically and regionally. He calmly would tell us kids what he thought should be done next and gave us a few hint on how to do it and he quietly prayed that all would be well. We survived on a rented farm near Garretson.

Some of his sayings that I still remember are: “It is not my will but Thy Will be done”. “You kids, live to eat, I eat to live” he ate very little, we used big spoons to dish up our food, he used a teaspoon. When I drove him out into the country to see the crops he would say, “ I love my Family, I love Farming and I love my Faith and you are going too fast for me to enjoy any of it.” By the way, I was only going 25 miles per the hour. “ I can’t give you much money when you grow up but you can get an education if you are willing to walk (mile and half) to school and an education is worth more then money.” My sister and I took him up on that. My brothers preferred being home and doing farm work.

He loved to get birthday cards and he loved to send them. I still have the one he sent me for my 50’s birthday. The card says, “You have now reached the Nile age,” then you open it up and it says, “You are too old to be a juvenile and too young to be senile.” He loved family gatherings, family reunions, family picnics and especially his birthday.

He had mixed feeling about nuns changing into secular clothes. Every Sunday, Mass was celebrated on TV, various groups sang. Well, this particular Sunday the Nuns sang for the Mass. The singing was beautiful and Dad said, “ What a motley looking crowd, but they sure can sing. ” Mom said, “Dad that is the nuns singing. “

One day Bishop Dudley came to our home. That was a treat for Dad. When I came home on vacation, I planned on a little extra sleep, but he had other plans. He would open the stair door a little and start the rosary right by the stairwell in a strong voice, I knew it was time to get up he wanted my company.

After mom died, I would go home on weekends to check up on things and do the weekly house cleaning. Almost always he would be sitting in his chair going over the picture books and he would say, that was taken on such and such a day or even have the date. My brothers would like to try and trick him but he knew and was always right. He also kept a little account of his life. I typed it with his spelling, he checked it over and corrected any errors. After he died, I gave a copy to each of the kids and grandkids as a Christmas gift and it was one of their favorite gifts.

While still on the farm his job was to bring lunch to my brothers and mow the yard. We had a ten acre farm yard and mom wanted it nice and neatly mowed. He would mow for about an hour each day. He was so happy when I would come home for vacation because then he let me mow.

He was colorblind. The last car he bought he had it all but paid for when he told the salesman I’m going to get the Mrs. to see if she approves. So he goes home to get mom and on the way mom says, “What color is it?” Dad says, “a nice blue.” Mom goes into the shop with all the cars and she is looking for a blue car, and can’t find it. She asks dad where is the car? Dad points to the car that is on display. By the way it is sand color! I learn fast to hang his shirt with his pants and jacket or he might come dressed up in the oddest color combinations.

He did not think women should be in Politics. When we had a women running for Vice President, my sister and I were at home together with my dad. He watched the whole speech and then Dad said, “Not bad for a women.” Wow my sister really got on his case! After that he never ever said a women couldn’t do something out loud.

He lived five years alone after mom died, he said he was never afraid, he never locked his doors, and he had company nearly every day. He kept the house in order. I just had to go over it with a vacuum and dust rag on the weekend. He always rinsed off his dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I would run the dishwasher on the weekend. Wash his sheets and carry out the garbage plus do a little grocery shopping.

I remember him mostly because he was such a gentle man. He was quick witted! He was a big tease, but he knew that I did not enjoy being teased and he did not tease me very much. He was very prayerful. He enjoyed it when the priest came to visit. He would visit with any one. He even wrote to an insurance man with this comment, "It is time for you to stop in and visit; I need one of your calendars." He always found the best in a person. Dad’s living room occasionally became my brother’s place to meet with various men so that dad could be a part of what ever business deal was on the table. Dad said very little at these meetings, but he knew exactly what was going on. After wards he might say, boy that is a lot of money.

Dad was a wonderful man, and I feel that Dad’s gentleness has given me a willingness to accept God the Father as my God image with no gender problem.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Pentecost Sunday

Today, many people wore red because it is Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is an important mystery. We may remember it as the miracle of tongues. The Gospel could now be proclaimed through out the entire world in a fragile human language, which was always changing. We no longer have a sacred language to proclaim the good news. The Spirit has come to the church so that it may assume every human language. With each language comes a culture with it's richness to share. The Church is challenged to constantly translate the gospel into the native speech of every nation upon the earth. Enjoy this gift.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Dear Senators

I understand that the immigration situation will be on your agenda this week. The deal seems to be strong on helping those who have degrees and short on helping laborers with families. It favors the rich and shuns the poor. I wonder how many times I have heard some senators say they support strong family life. I don’t see it in this document. The one really good thing is that it is bi-partisan and that is something to be very happy about. Family certainly should include, all children and both sets of parents. The people from south of the boarder have a culture of helping their parents and that should be respected and allowed to continue in the immigration plan. A good labor force is something that we need in America and people south of the boarder fill that bill nicely. We need to respect them, and pay them fairly. The length of time (13 years) seems awful long to me. In a 13 year span the children of today have moved on, and the parents have died so you have just him and her left to become citizens. How can you expect them to be happy campers with the family so torn apart?

Friday, May 11, 2007

I remember Mother

The oldest memory I have of my mother was when she found me in the grove near the house when I was just less than two years of age. I was cold, wet and very glad mom found me because I was lost in the grove.

My mother was a large lady, but not a fat lady. She was beautiful in spite of a scar that she had by her mouth from a horse that bit her when she was a child.

When I was about 4 years old I remember mom sewing me a red gingham dress. I watch her lay the pattern out. She was extremely careful so the pieces were straight with the material. She carefully pinned and cut then sewed. I sat with my chin resting on the sewing machine as she sewed away. I still remember the sleeves; they puffed up and were so cute.

We moved and it was time for me to start school. We lived a mile and half from school. Mom fixed my straight blond hair with a braid tied up in a circle on one side of my head so as not to have my hair in my eyes. She let me wear my nice dress and sent me off to meet my father who had started chores at the neighbors place, a half-mile down the road, and he was going to walk with me the rest of the way to school, which was about a mile. I have a picture that the neighbor lady took of me that day.

I got a carbuncle type boil on my leg and I could not go to school because I had to keep my leg up according to my grandmother. Mom had all she could do to take care of this situation. She would often have grandma look at it and put a mixture of egg and flour to draw the infection out of my leg. I missed a lot of school that year and I still have the scar.

Every night, Mom led the rosary. The rosary hung on the speaker of the telephone during the day. The older children had to kneel, the younger ones could sit. I was the oldest so I had to kneel up straight. I think I was supposed to set an example for the rest.

Mom also saw to it that we learned our catechism. In those days, we memorized the answers to the questions. I was good at memorization, but I couldn’t read so mom read the questions and I recited the answers. I once won a prize for knowing my lesson and my mom framed it. It was a picture of an angel walking with a child over a bridge. That picture moved from house to house as we moved. We had summer school with the Sisters. When the movie “Song of Bernadette” was showing the Sisters arranged for a farmer with a big cattle truck to take us to the Movie. My mother rode in the truck with us kids. Not every mom would do that.

Mom always had a sandwich ready for us to eat when we came home from school. More often than not it was fresh bread with butter and homemade jam. Mom made wonderful plum, apple, and strawberry jam also choke cherry jelly. As we grew older she would give us dried beef on our fresh bread for our after school snack. She always asked us what we learned that day. She did not go to high school; I realized later she was learning from us.

Mom loved flowers and she had a victory garden of flowers in front of the house, enclosed by sidewalk and a short picket fence, from the two entrances of the house. I believe that little V shape garden is still there. At least it was there a decade or so ago when Dad and I went sight seeing. I remember the owner of the house always liked to see mom’s flowers when in full bloom.

I often helped mom rake the leaves and branches in the spring. My siblings didn’t care for that job and I loved it because I got to be with my mom and I had her all to myself. We would make a bond fire after wards.

I also helped pitch hay. That was a job that my brother, mom and I often did together. I can’t say that I liked that job. We all worked far beyond our capacity.

When mom, dad and I were sight seeing we went by the house with the grove and I said I remember when I was lost in that grove. My mom could hardly believe her ears when I said that I remembered that grove.

Mom was the healthy one and we were taken back when she was diagnosed with cancer. The cancer traveled fast. One summer I drove her daily to Sioux Falls for radiation treatments. The treatment cured the cancer in that spot but moved on to another spot. Mom was happiest working and she didn’t want anymore of this laying around sick. She told the doctor to forget about more treatments, just give her pain relief medicine.

I remember the last time we said the rosary together. This time I lead the rosary. She was in McKennan Hospital and I came to be with her. We said a decade and then rested, said the next decade and then rested, this went on until we were done and then she said she was ready to go and hoped I would finish the afghan that she had started for my nephew, she thought my tension would be the most like hers and it would be a nice wedding present for him. Mom never fancied my choice of vocation, but this evening she said she thought I chose the right vocation for me. She also asked me to take good care of Dad, and then she told me to go home and rest. She died shortly afterwards. She always wanted to die alone and she got her way.

The very last time I saw my mom was seven years after she was laid to rest. She came to my room early in the morning, wearing the same clothes she was buried in. Dad was getting weaker and she told me that she was coming after Dad. This was a few days before Christmas, and I remember saying to her please don’t take him before Christmas. Dad perked up for the Christmas celebration, he loved family celebrations, and he died shortly after Christmas.

I have very fond memories of my parents. It is good to recall those wonderful memories even if they bring a tear or two to the eyes. I hope you can remember your mom in a loving way on this Mother’s Day.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Flood 2007

It had rained a little each day for a couple days, the lawns were looking great, and the trees were budding or flowering out nicely. Many farmers had their seeds in the ground. Then around suppertime on Saturday, May 5, 2007, I could see lightning and I could hear the thunder. Yes, it started to rain. The TV weatherman did predict the possibility of a tornado so I kept my ears open waiting for the siren to go off. But it didn’t thank God!! The rain kept coming and in a couple hours the streets had streams of water. Then at about 8 o’clock the rain came down in a very hurried fashion and we got more rain in one hour then we usually get in the whole month of May. The rain kept up all night. Sometimes just a nice moderate rain fell and then a downpour would come. The lighting and the thunder were almost continuous until about 3 am. The back yard looked like a large lake. The front yard also had a couple small lakes in it. We had come through the night with one major leak, which was stopped when we finally found out how to shut the water off to this supply. The large elevator was not operating because of the water that had collected in the shaft. That did make it difficult for those of us who use wheel chairs to get around. We got to Mass, but the crowd was rather small. People just could not move around in many section of the city except by boats. Families were moving out of their homes with a few valuables wrapped in a plastic bag for fear that these water logged homes would collapse, some did! One of the hotels opened its door for people with out homes to come free of charge. The school for the blind also opened its doors to the homeless. A couple churches started food lines. One grade school had to close its doors temporally because it was surrounded by water. Meeting of city officials began. The newspaper with many pictures was printed and ready to be delivered. It took the delivery squad all day Sunday to find the people because homes were empty and surrounded by water. The Governor came and declared the mess a disaster. I just hope FEMA comes to the aid of these homeless families faster than it did in New Orleans. Farm field after farm field have been turned into lakes. Basement after basement were cleared of ruined furniture, carpet and even walls. Big dump trucks with healthy guards men came to collect the junk for disposal. The patches of grass and trees are a beautiful rich green, the likes that I have never seen before. There is nothing like lightning and rain to bring forth the nitrogen in the soil. The tree blossoms fell to the ground but the beautiful leaves are coming forth. The mosquitoes came by the millions. The City decided to spray Tuesday night and plan to have an airplane spray over the city on Friday night. According to the Mayor, the city water remains safe to drink, thank God for that!! Aberdeen is use to weather problems but usually it is a problem of being too dry not too wet. Graduation will take place as planned on May 12. The moral of this story is: ‘do not build a city on a lake bed.’

Friday, May 4, 2007

Republican Debate May 3

Republican Debate May 3, 2007
This is my glimpse of the Republican debate. It was rather boring, no outstanding guy came through. They all wore black suits and most had red ties. Some of these guys I had never seen before. The questions centered around the War, Iran, Abortion, Cloning and public funding, Stem Cell, Religion, Immigration, The first thing you would do if elected, Energy, What takes you would cut? Chris Matthews did a good job keeping it going.
I think Gov. Mit Romeny (a Mormon) stuck out as looking the most presidential. He was very well prepared. When asked why he change his position of abortion, he said he studied the matter in detail and had gone to some educational conferences and had learn a lot and changed from a position of choice to pro-life. He said cloning is going too far. When asked if he would tell a Catholic Bishop that he can’t deny communion to a person who believes in choice. Mit said he wouldn’t tell the Bishop any thing. He felt church and state needs to be separate. As Governor he fights abortion and thinks health care reform is the top of his list. He would put an all new team in the White House if elected. He favors a tamper proof card to help with the immigration problem.
Mayor Rudy Guiliani is a can do man and thinks America offers lots of hope and strength. He loves America. Rudy believes he could work with either a person who favors choice or one opposed to all abortions. He hates abortion himself, but respects women’s right to make a choice as that is the law and he would not change the Roe Vs Wade decision. Rudy believes neither party has a monopoly on all good or all bad. He says he has lots of weakness but didn’t name any. He believes the tamper proof card for immigrants is a good idea. He understands the difference between the various sectors in Iraq. One group believes in power being inherited another group believe you have to earn it. Basically, debate is not Rudy’s best stage. He does better when alone.
Senator John McCain who is now 72 years old is fearful of Iran because of the threat of them having Nuclear Bombs. He would like the support of the people. He feels he is the best prepared of the candidates so far. He feels that spending is out of control and wants the line item veto. He would stop the pork barrel problem in the government now. We need to secure the boarders yet we need to protect the workers. He’d pick men of talent to fill the White House he would not rule one in or out because of party affiliations. He favors a tamper proof card and claims he will go to gates of Hell to get Osama Bin Ladin (I’m not sure how to spell his name). Lets face it this man is too old for the job, he didn’t displace his usual fire.
Doctor and Representative Ron Paul was the Dennis Kucinich of the group. He spoke strongly against the war. He believes in a foreign police of non-intervention. He’d get rid of the IRS to lower the taxes. We over expend on defense according to Dr. Paul. He said he made many tough decisions as a doctor and is very happy that he did not vote for this war. He doesn’t believe in funding stem cell research because we have plenty adult stem cells available. The tax he would like to get rid of is the income tax. He trusts the Internet more than the media and doesn’t think the Internet should ever be taxed. He supports free speech. He believes in privacy and doesn’t favor the tamper proof cards. I think he got his message out and did a good job to improve his position.
Senator Sam Brownback said he is pro-life but could vote for a person who is either pro-life or pro choice. Anyone involved in corruption should be sent to jail. The president should lead by example. He supports laws that support the family. He opposes funding for cloning. Personal beliefs does influence ones thinking according to Sam. Faith should be invited in! We can use our Social Security Cards, do not need tamper proof cards. What we need is a fence. Immigration is a strong concern of Senator Brownback.
Governor Jim Gilmore favors the cold war approach toward our conflict with the entire Middle East. He believe in pro-life. He wants less Government spending. Let the courts decide if non-violent women should be put in jail or stay at home and be a mom and take care of her children. He believes in supporting or funding of stem cell research. He would cut taxes but didn’t name which ones. Gov. Gilmore thinks he is a conservative.
Governor Mike Huckabee says do it right and win the war. We got to win the war. America has great people. We will go to all length to save a miner, we have a culture of life we do not strap bombs on children and let them commit suicide. He believes faith does influence our decisions. He wants a fair tax, what ever that is. I think he is for some reform in the manufacturing tax. He says, bring the jobs back home, don’t send them overseas.
Tommy Thompson wants Iraq to be split three ways: have a centralized government with all three faction participating, oil revenue divided equally. He believes that an employee has the right to fire a gay person if he sees fit to do so. He’d put priority on welfare reform- A president needs to unit people and that will ease the race tensions.
Duncan Hunter claims to be a combination conservative- what ever that is. Iran has crossed the line and US should go after Iran. He wants a boarder fence to stop the massive immigration to US. He has not watched Al Gore’s movie but he does believe we should become independent Energy wise.
Tom Tancredo believes Israel is a real threat He doesn’t support a vote for Karl Rove. He doesn’t feel you have to be a centrist to run for president. He feels immigration needs to be dealt with but not with a tamper proof card.

Monday, April 30, 2007


Abortion is back in the news because of the Supreme Courts decision to ban late term abortions. Abortion is a medical procedure that will kill the fetus or baby almost 100% of the time, however, in rare circumstances will save the mothers life. I believe abortion is morally wrong except in extremely rare cases. In these rare cases of rape and/or incest. I believe more emphasis and education should be given to the mother to allow the child to live through adoption rather than die through abortion. When the mother’s health is at steak and/or the baby is terribly deformed and I’m not talking about a missing toe or finger, I’m talking about a missing brain or heart then abortion seems to be the appropriate procedure to choose. Only the Doctor, mother and father, and clergymen need to be involved to make that choice. I don’t think supreme court justices, lawyers, senators and congress persons should be making these decisions. If society had a more wholesome view on all life issues we would not need to ban abortion because it would seldom be used. Society has become so course that it is willing to put people to death even with the knowledge that the wrong person has often been punished through our court system. If society would be more willing to put some control on who can have or buy a gun we would be better off. War is another life issue! Look at the number that has been killed in the conflict with Iraq. When our leaders continue to allow the killing of all these people it is no wonder that life issues are not properly dealt with. Health care for mothers-to-be, affordable health care for the mother and baby at the birth, continued health care after the baby is born for both the baby and the mother. Child care while mom goes back to work, good education as the child grows up are reasonable expectations. Reasonable housing is needed as well as affordable college education so that the child can become a productive human being. Clean air and clean water are necessary for good healthy living. We need more young people and the only way to get a new generation is for the nation as a whole to make the right choices.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Good Shepherd Sunday

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. Having been raised on a farm I know this about sheep. They follow the leader. If you can get one to take the path you want them to take the rest will follow. I suppose this was true in Jesus’ day too so this image of following would be perfect way to get the lesson to his people to follow and they would be led to the spring of living water.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

First Democratic Debate

First Democratic Debate
Hilary Clinton dressed in a gray suit with a dark insert topped with a string of pearls. She was very lady like, she was articulate and use the word “retaliate” with the skill of a president. Her answers were short, and complete. She did not sound hawkish. She sounded very confident. I’d have to say she is the winner of the first debate.

Barack Obama has a beautiful wife and she would make a beautiful first lady. Barack is a better stump speaker than these one-minute answers to a question. He gets to the point and then time is up. He needs more time to answer the question in full. He gained the most because he prove to America that is able to be on the same stage as long time senators, a first lady, a governor as well as a congressman.

John Edwards had a very nice haircut and he did well with it. He handled his wealth issue with class but he has never forgotten were he came from. The restaurant story was one that many of us in our retirement years can relate to. He still has two Americas.

Bill Richardson seemed a bit tired looking, he was very honest when he said he voted to give the Attorney General a chance to explain himself because he was Hispanic and a friend. Bill also explained that the western part of the United States has a culture that includes guns and the right to bear arms is very much an important part of this culture. His answers were a little long and the time expires on him several times.

Only 3 candidate do not have guns in their homes. If I remember rightly it was Hiliary, Barack, and John Edwards.

Joe Biden did very well with his shortest answer on record for a presidential debate. The question was concerning his ability to discipline himself on the world stage. His answer was “Yes”. Actually, I caught a nice smile on the moderator Brian Williams face before he responded with “Thank you, Senator Biden.”

Mike Gravel offered a little comic relief as he waved his long arms as he answered his questions with a good deal of volume. He said that the democrats in the senate could stop the war right now with a daily filibuster. He was even stronger than Kucinish on the issue. He told Chris Matthew he hid under a rock when ask were he had been all these years?

I wonder how Mr. Hannity expected Mike Gravel to travel to this big event. He sure is upset because the top contenders as he calls them came in private Jets.

Chris Dodd with his thick white hair added some sophistication to the evening. He is very knowledgeable. He also was very Washington.

Dennis Kucinish did his usual plug for peace. He wants us out of Iraq Now! He did a fabulous job on the abortion issue with his culture of life approach. He has married since the last election and I do believe he pick a wife that could easily fit into the white house. She has long flowing red hair and it rested on her beautiful blue dress.
I wished I could hear each speak on the following topics: Life issues, Abortion, Peace, War, Gun Control, Health Care, Medicare, Education, School houses, Jobs, Taxes, and Supreme Court Justice.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bill Moyer

Thank you Bill Moyer for giving it to us straight.

First Cheney leaks a story that becomes a Front page story filled with many false statements. Then he goes on Sunday Morning Talk Shows and repeats all the lies by quoting these stories that he leaked a day or two before. This circular control of the media by many of Bushes men and women really tells me that we need a change before 2008. Remember when Bush told America that he would bring morality to the white house. God bless Bill Moyer for daring to report this. I have had a fear of this Bush group for a long time, I thought they were up to no good but I couldn’t place my finger on it. Now that I know I favor impeachment and I’d start with Cheney.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Privacy laws and Gun Control

This has been a hard week, I do believe that this week could have been prevented if we had a few different laws. First off the privacy law needs to be changed. As is, it stops good people from reporting bad stuff. Who ever it was, be it teacher, doctor or police that believed that this young man was a danger to himself and possibly to others had that information written down in his file so that the school could have seen it before letting him live on a campus and the gun sellers would have to check out before selling a gun then possibly he would not have had a gun and he would not be on campus. If his record at the school would have recorded that a teacher didn’t want him in his/her classroom and the plays he wrote were too violent for class room work was recorded in his file and again the gun sellers had to check all school records from Kindergarten through college I do believe the gun seller would have said, “No I can’t sell you this gun.” Most employer hiring a person check school records. Why wouldn’t gun sellers have to check school records?

Privacy law needs changing.
Gun Control laws need tweaking.
College recruiters need to be more vigilant.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gun Contol

Today, we continue to mourn the lost of 33 students and teachers, some of the greatest men and women America has to offer. I marvel at the students and parents who are grieving this event in the presents of the entire nation, actually the entire world, with such dignity. How the staff could pull together such a beautiful service in the afternoon of the very next day is beyond my imagination. Then to top it off the students bring together an outstanding candle light service at night in this small town of Virginia, brings tears to my eyes.

I hope that some how this event does not go down in history with out some good coming from it. The one good that I can think of is some sort of Gun Control. This Gunman truly was sick and needed help before he was allowed to buy a gun. Since we are having so much trouble with schools and guns, I suggest that gun salesmen be obliged to ask the school/schools the buyer attended if the person buying the gun is healthy mentally. Consider the VT case, the fact that the teacher concerned with his writings, went to higher ups in her school and she reported her concerned to the police some sort of doubt should be reflected in his file so that he would not be able to buy a gun as easily as he did. Even if sample writing were in his file I would think it would alert some one to not sell this guy a gun.

Another point of view, I have a friend who is a teacher’s aid and she was working with a very angry child, and this little primary student went around pretending he was shooting someone. I blame the over exposure of shooting on TV is the reason this child thinks guns is the solution to his problems. By the way the child had to be expelled. Yes, I do believe that his record should show that he has an anger management problem.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

Yesterday, was a sad day, I think of those 33 families that sent their children off to college and now find that they were killed. Such a senseless killing! I really think we need some sort of gun control. I'm not against allowing people to have a gun to go hunting or target shooting. I'm against people who are sick having a gun. This man should not have been able to get his hands on not only one gun but two guns. Is there anything that VT could have done to have prevented this terrible event? I doubt it. This is not a time to blame, it is a time to pray and act.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Daphne Wright

Here we go again, Death or Life in Prison. The crime is awful; the death penalty is awful too. Daphne Wright should be put into a cell, allowed to pray and ask God to forgive her for this crime. With time, allow the victim’s family to forgive her, which will bring grace to both families.

As I see it, the debate can be about the mixture of poisons to be used in executions or we in South Dakota can emulate the Christian way that the Amish in Pennsylvania showed the nation by forgiveness of the murderer who took the lives of five of their young girls. This can only be accomplished if we get rid of the death penalty.

I do not believe that the death penalty is going to deter someone from committing a crime, if they are in a rage. Let’s try using a life sentence as an opportunity to change a life around with love, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

Other states are also concerned about the poison to used in executions. Let us be among the first to make a resolution that no poisons, no electricity, or gallows can be used to execute a human. Instead we will treat our criminals with dignity in hopes that they will turn their life around.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Octave of Easter

A couple days ago I heard a priest give a summary of what the word 'Octave' really means. He said that it really is Easter every day within the Octave. I have been paying close attention to the readings this week and it is so true, everyday has been Easter all over again for me. I'm glad that I heard that explaination, it gives me a new insight to all the post Easter Sunday readings of this past week. We celebrate this event of Jesus rising from the dead once in all of human time. Never before or never again will this event take place. It is powerful for all man kind to grasp, be they believers or non believers.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Imus and Duke Boys

Today, the only news I'm able to get is that Imus has been fired and that the 3 boys from the Duke college team have been declared innocent of all charges. I'm glad they finally got to that point. I thought they were innocent over a year ago. I think Imus has been a little too much of a shock jock and maybe it is time to go. However, I think he is a good man at heart and I hope he finds the just right job for himself. He has done a lot of good for sick children and he needs a high paying job to continue his good deeds. Again, I think the media drove both of these incidents to the ground. However, now that you have made a start at cleaning up the media, I hope that you go all the way and get rid of the stuff that you would be ashamed to have your children or your grandparents see you watching.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Senator Obama

Did you see Dave Letterman and Senator Obama last night? I was extremely impressed with Senator Obama. He really looks good, very presidential! He speaks in such a manner that he hold your attention. He has seriousness about him and yet he can come out with some interesting and funny remarks that hold ones attention. It was by far the best Presidential interview that I have heard this season so far. Usually, I’m bored after five minutes but not so with Barack. He is trying to give up smoking. He says his wife has ask the public to let her know if he trys to smoke while on the campaign. He also says his children have figured that this is a good time to ask for a dog. He is running for President not Vice President. He respects all of the Democrats running for President. He says Hillary is smart and Edwards is a good man and both have done well. He says his money is basically all under $100 donations. He’d like it if funding for the campaign was done differently but until the laws change we have to go this route. He says we all want the same thing, better health care, better schools, and we need to figure out a plan to get out of Iraq.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Campaign Finance

I couldn't believe it when I heard all the money raised to start the campaign for electing a new President of the United States. I suggest that we elect the democrates because we certainly need a change. We could put Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as Co-Presidents and John Edwards and Nancy Pelosi as Co-Vice Presidents. We could use the 64 million that the three of them collected for the poor, also replace a few old schools. We could keep Bill Clinton campaigning for more money to help the various causes that the Democrates have mention along the way. When I taught school we often used co-presidents for class president and it worked out beautifully. It divides up the job nicely. It would also keep one in the office while the other is touring. They could take turns by the month or by the quarter.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Easter Egg Hunt

Today the big attraction was an Easter Egg Hunt. The eggs were hidden all over a big room. The eggs were little plastic eggs with wrapped candy inside. Well, an 18 month little girl came into the room and had a ball hunting for eggs, she stole the show. I found a few myself. The golden egg had a big prize in it. The big prize was $10. It didn't take long and all the eggs were found. It is a fun game for people to play. Real eggs have a great symbolization of the Resurrection of Jesus when an egg burst open and a little bird come out. Of course it would be more fun if this could take place out doors but in South Dakota and all the snow it has to become an indoor activity.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Winter came back

After four days of nice rain, winter paid us another visit. The snow started at about 5pm on Monday and it is still snowing off and on this afternoon. It is beautiful white snow, but oh so cold for April. All of the grade schools and high schools had to close for the day. Just too dangerous to send our young people out on these icy roads. It will give the the farmers just what they have been praying for, namely moisture. This will do so much for the economy of out community. Dear God we could use a little sunshine to melt this snow slowly so that we can save every drop of moisture. Thank You, God!

Monday, April 2, 2007


Today we buried a Sister who was dedicated to the poor. She worked with the Hispanic people and loved to be around them. She spoke Spanish fluently. She came from a big family of eleven children. They grew up in rural South Dakota. It was a big funeral and as one would expect. If you really want a big funeral you need to die young, come from a big family, and have done some sort of unique work. Sister met those requirements. The theme of the funeral was "The Cry of the Poor" and "The Beatitudes". What a wonderful tribute. God bless you as you journey to heaven.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Palm Sunday

Today, Palms were given out as we entered the church. Even the Palms were dry reflecting the draught that so many of us have suffered this past year. Each year on Palm Sunday, I see our Lord coming into the villiage upon an ass and the people waving branches, treating Him like a present day basketball hero. The next week He is put to death like a criminal. Christ has really reached all aspects of human life from His humble birth, His baptism, His great sermons and His long remembered death. He is so human and then we see the Divine nature in his Resurection. As my dad once said, "Good Friday isn't so important, any one can die, it is Easter Sunday, that is really important because only God can rise from the dead."

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Today is the third day of a gentle rain. It has been an on and off type of rain that really makes the farmer in me glow. The snow is nearly all gone and the grass is turning green. My farmer father would look at this kind of rain and say things like, "This is a million dollar rain". I think, "This is the manna that the Lord promised His people years ago". Thank You God for the rain.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


This morning, I was told that a lady who is 9 years younger than I died early this morning. It really gives me something to think about. It seems very natural for an elderly person to die but when they are younger than oneself it motives one to think of death in a little more realistic way, like, "When will it knock on my door?"

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Last evening I attended a Pax Christi Meeting. We listened to a speaker talk about immigration at the Texas boarder. Those people really suffer just to get a little money together so they can feed and house their families. They are good workers. We need good workers. Why are we so reluctant to allow these people into the USA. My grandparents came to America from Holland. They spoke poor English and did many things the way a Dutchman would do it. They often were laughed at but no one tried to get rid of them. The house grandpa built still stands and it does not have sagging floors. They were builders. Why can't we respect for those coming from Mexico. They can teach us their ways and we can teach them our ways and we will both be better off. I was very impressed with their faith and perseverance of these Mexican.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Clean those drawers

Yesterday, was truly spring. The temperature was around 70 degrees through out the state. I even drove up town. It was fun to get out of the house after several months of winter. But it didn't take long to cool off. That's South Dakota for you! It can be hot one day and cold the next. Today, we will be lucky if we get to 50 degrees. I cleanned my dresser drawers this morning, I might as well make use of the time indoors. Oh by the way I'm half done with my lap blanket. It almost could pass for Joseph's robe of many colors. I didn't realize I has so many colors of yarn. I will have most of the yarn used up when I finish this project.

Monday, March 26, 2007


We usually celebrate the Annunciation of Our Lord on March 25, but since March 25 fell on Sunday this year, we celebrate the Annunciation on March 26. This is a big day for Christians because this is the day that the Word became flesh. Mary had a big role in all of this. She could have said, "No, I don't want to do this". Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she has been choosen to carry Jesus. Mary responded with, "Be it done unto me according to Your Will." If only all of us could response in such a giving way the world would be so much better off.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Saturday is clean up day in my bed room. Well, I found my bag of yarn left over from other projects and I decided a good way to clean up a little would be to make something out of the left over yarn and so I am making a lap blanket for putting over my knees in the winter. I remember my mom made a lap blanket out of scrapes of yarn over 30 years. It was the thing that my nieces would grab along with Raggady Ann and Andy to play with. When the youngsters would go home and I would straighten up the house I never knew where I might find Ann and Andy. Sometimes they would be wrapped in the lap blanket and in my dads bed. Other times I would find them in my bed. Often I found them sitting with hands held together in a lounge chair. The lesson in all this is that the youngsters would play all afternoon without making much noise and the adults could visit without much interferrance. Any one who can crochet can make a colorful lap blanket and children will enjoy it too.

Friday, March 23, 2007


The news that Elizabeth Edward's cancer has reappeared brings to mind what a horrible disease of cancer is like. My grandfather, my mother, my first cousin, my great uncle, my second cousin and a third cousin all died of cancer. I have a cousin dieing of it this very day. I had a scare a couple years ago with this disease. I was lucky, the doctor took all kinds of stuff out of me and tested each little piece and said that they were not cancerous but they were only days from it. I hope that Elizabeth can weather all the medicine she will have to take to keep those cells from doing more damage. I think she is a very brave lady to carry on with the campaign. She could be an inspiration to the nation to do something about this disease. My prayer go out to those two lovely little ones that they have.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Go Green

Last night I saw a very sad thing. In Alaska a very small village is basically falling into the ocean at a rather speedy time line. A school teacher said that 40 feet of land has disappeard from the front of his mom's house since the time he was a kid playing in front of his house near the ocean. The teacher looked like he might be 50 years old so that tells me that a foot of earth is falling into the ocean each year. What happens is the ice is melting a little sooner each spring thus the ocean washes up unto the beach and takes a little more with it each year. It is sad. They are wondering should they try to move the whole village inland or let each one go inland by himself. The community is such a close knit community they want to stay together. This area has been populated for over 4000 years according to their facts. Well, how can I help? Save on paper, recyle juice cans and plastic containers, save on gas by not going up town every day, and plant a few trees this spring.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Last evening "Spring" blew in and I must say it blew in with a lot of force. When as a child the wind blew the window made a noise from shaking. Well, last night the wind made a wired whisting sound. I thought it had a bit of spookiness to it. I don't know what you were taught when spring came around but at our house it was house cleaning time. After the house had a going over it was yard work. We always started cleaning in the room that needed it most. So I looked around and thought it is my closet. So if you see some dust flying it is me cleaning my closet. My mom would be so proud of me. Clean something every day and it won't be long and every thing will be in order.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Today I go to a lunch sponsored by a group of ladies who wish to thank us for our service to the community. It is grand to be recognized for doing good. But better yet it was good to be of service. God bless you.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Peace Prayer

On March 20 we plan to pray for all the people that have been killed or injured in this war. We are praying for peace through out the world. Join us by quietly asking God to guide our leader to do things that will bring about peace for all people.

Joseph's Feast

Today is special because it is St. Joseph's Feast Day. He was a very kind, gentle man with a great deal of patience. He worked hard to support his wife Mary and son, Jesus. We can learn a lot if we study this man. Be patient. Be kind. Be gentle.





Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Today I got my red horse glued together after a disaster with the elevator door.
We are playing Bingo with the 5th graders from Roncali.